For the n.ggers among us :D

   Black Man Votes Republican, Immediately Turns White
      .. There are now signs up at the voting location warning black voters 
that if they vote Republican they may also suddenly turn white.

   'I Can't Believe Christians Think It's Safe To Go Back To Church,' Says 
Woman In Line At Walmart
      .. "Close proximity with all those people, singing and stuff? Man, those 
people are really anti-science," she said as she waited in line with 57 other 
people, pushing a cart that hadn't been cleaned in days. "It's like, read one 
of those sciency books, you know? Or watch that science guy on TV."

   China Issues Stay-At-Home Order To Hong Kong To Prevent Spread Of Democracy
      .. Reaction by the American media was swift. “Wow, China is so great! I 
wish we could be like China!” exclaimed numerous journalists. “Why can’t Trump 
be China?”
      American politicians also spoke up on the order. “Hopefully the people in 
Hong Kong will be more compliant than Americans,” said Michigan governor 
Gretchen Whitmer. “We issued our stay-at-home order far too late to stop the 
spread of the idea that people have liberty and can do whatever they want.”

Other Babylon Bee headlines found here:

   To Save Time, The Babylon Bee Will Now Just Republish Everything Biden Says 
      ... We're tired of trying to out-parody things like "I got hairy legs 
that turn blonde in the sun and the kids used to reach in the pool and rub my 
leg down and watch the hair come back up again" and "Corn Pop was a bad dude."

      Like, what do you do with that? Seriously. Go ahead. Try to satirize it. 
Anything you do just doesn't have that perfect mix of absurdity and reality 
that makes satire work so effective at communicating truth. So we're throwing 
in the towel. ...

      ... Finally, laugh at these hilarious Babylon Bee headlines from our new 
best satirist, Joe Biden:

       - Biden: 'Poor Kids Are Just As Bright As White Kids'

       - Joe Biden Says All Men And Women Are Created By You Know The Thing

       - Presidential Candidate Nibbles On His Wife's Fingers

       - Joe Biden: 'I'm Going To Beat Joe Biden'

       - 'Go To Joe 30330' Says Joe

       - Biden Tells Campaign Rally 'We Choose Truth Over Facts'

       - Joe Biden Calls Iowa Man 'Fat' And A '[FLOWERBED] Liar'

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