Some history, folks:

   The June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre: Five Truths That Still Aren't Widely 

      Following the sudden death of a beloved political reformer, Hu Yaobang, 
200,000 students gathered at Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, to await the 
hearse carrying Hu’s body - but it never arrived. The mass of students were 
angered, and their burning desire for freedom could be contained no more.

      For the next few weeks, Tiananmen Square was occupied by these student 
protesters, who aimed at making reality their dream of ridding the country of 
communist tyranny and bringing democratic reform to China. Their non-violent 
demonstration perhaps brought a glimmer of hope … until the army moved in. 
Although martial law was declared on May 20 that year, what caused the army to 
suddenly go on a killing rampage on June 4?

         L: Thousands of Chinese gather on June 2, 1989, in Tiananmen Square 
around “The Goodness of Democracy,” demanding democracy despite martial law in 
Beijing. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images). R: “The Goddess of 
Democracy,” a 10-meter replica of the Statue of Liberty created by students 
from an art institute to promote the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese 
government. (TOSHIO SAKAI/AFP via Getty Images)

      1. Mass-Murdered by the Chinese Regime

      At least 10,454 people were mass-murdered by the Chinese communist regime 
on Tiananmen Square, according to an unnamed source from the Chinese State 
Council. The figure is far greater than the “official” fatality count of 200.

      On June 4, 1989, students were gunned down in droves and “mown down” by 
tanks. “APCs (Armored personnel carriers) then ran over bodies time and time 
again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and 
then hosed down drains,” reads part of a declassified statement, which was 
obtained by Alan Donald, Britain’s ambassador to China in 1989.

      It’s still unconfirmed how many more were massacred during and after the 
students’ unarmed protest.

         Waving banners, high school students march in Beijing streets near 
Tiananmen Square on May 25, 1989, during a rally to support the pro-democracy 
protest against the Chinese regime. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)

      2. The Ringleader Is Still Alive

      In addition to rolling over the students with tanks, the army fired 
high-explosive shells that expand on impact, also known as dum-dum bullets, 
(forbidden by the Geneva Convention) to kill the students in the most 
harm-inflicting way possible.

      The question remains—what kind of a human being would order such a brutal 
mass murder of freedom-seeking civilians?

         Former leader of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin (Feng 
Li/Getty Images)

      Former paramount leader of the party Deng Xiaoping was impressed with 
Jiang Zemin’s iron-fisted proposition to use the army to crack down on the 
students, and promoted him from Party Chief of Shanghai to General Secretary of 
the Chinese Communist Party days before the massacre, giving him free rein to 
do as he liked.

      Jiang Zemin, the mastermind behind the massacre, ordered the army to 
carry out his bloody strategy on June 4. The “gate of heavenly peace” was 
suddenly turned into hell on Earth.

         Taken care of by others, an unidentified foreign journalist (2nd-R) is 
carried out from the clash site between the army and students on June 4, 1989, 
near Tiananmen Square. (TOMMY CHENG/AFP via Getty Images)

      3. Ruthless Abuse of Power

      The Tiananmen Square Massacre was just the start of Jiang’s ruthless 
abuse of power. He went on to commit the most heinous crimes that couldn’t bear 
the light of day. In the bloody wake of the massacre, Jiang became Deng’s ideal 
heir for the next Party Chief, a position Jiang secured in 1993.

      Jiang, a Marxist hardliner and ex-senior spy for the KGB’s Far-East 
Bureau, had only begun to show his true colors with how he dealt with the 
protesting students and went on to orchestrate even bloodier campaigns. In 
1999, Jiang sought to “eradicate” Falun Gong—a popular spiritual practice—after 
the number of people practicing it rose some 100 million, outnumbering the then 
70 million Party members, according to state-run reports at the time.

         Falun Gong practitioners doing the group exercise in Guangzhou, China, 
in 1998. (Minghui)

      Under Jiang’s rule, an adroit misinformation campaign inundated China, 
turning public opinion against Falun Gong by subjecting the spiritual practice 
to extreme vilification—including the infamous Tiananmen Square 
“self-immolation” hoax, which successfully deceived the nation—paving the way 
for Jiang’s next phase: to forcibly “transform” or “eliminate” the meditators 
who refused to give up the practice.

      In response to Jiang’s genocidal policy, believed to have caused a 
widespread yet unascertainable amount of state-approved killings, including 
forced organ harvesting, over 209,000 lawsuits have since been filed against 
Jiang, making him the most sued dictator in history.

         Falun Gong practitioners at a rally in front of the Chinese embassy in 
New York City on July 3, 2015, to support the global effort to sue Jiang Zemin. 
(Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)

      4. Horrifying Accounts Kept Secret

      A Blacklock’s Reporter obtained secret telex messages concerning 
horrifying accounts of what really happened on Tiananmen Square that day via 
access-to-information laws.

      “An old woman knelt in front of soldiers pleading for students; soldiers 
killed her,” the Canadian embassy in Beijing reported at the time.

      Blacklock’s writes: “A boy was seen trying to escape holding a woman with 
a 2-year old child in a stroller, and was run over by a tank”; “The tank turned 
around and mashed them up”; “Soldiers fired machine guns until the ammo ran 

      An unbelievable amount of bullets were fired on civilians at Tiananmen 
that “they ricocheted inside nearby houses, killing many residents.”

      “The embassy described the killings as ‘savage,’” according to 
Blacklock’s Reporter.

      “They are now entering a period of vicious repression during which 
denunciations and fear of persecution will terrorize the population,” reads 
another cable obtained.

         Chinese onlookers run away as a soldier threatens them with a gun on 
June 5, 1989, as tanks took position at Beijing’s key intersections next to the 
diplomatic compound. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)

      Diplomats added that some 1,000 executions took place following the 
massacre, but an exact figure is unconfirmed. “It was probably thought that the 
massacre of a few hundreds or thousands would convince the population not to 
pursue their protests. It seems to be working,” reads a statement by the 

      The secret British cable, obtained by news website HK01, reveals more 
detail about the crimes of the 27 Army of Shanxi Province on the day.

      “27 Army ordered to spare no one and shot wounded SMR soldiers. Four 
wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted. A 3-year-old 
girl was injured but her mother was shot as she went to her aid as were six 
others who tried.”

      “A thousand survivors were told they could escape via Zhengyi Lu but were 
then mown down by specially prepared M/G (machine gun) positions.”

         Ailing student hunger strikers from Beijing University receive first 
aid treatment under a makeshift tent set up on May 17, 1989, at Tiananmen 
Square as students enter the 5th day of a marathon hunger strike as part of a 
mass pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government. (CATHERINE 
HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)

      5. “June 4”: A Highly Taboo Subject in China Today

      Despite Hong Kong lighting up every evening on June 4 in an annual 
candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the massacre, Chinese 
mainlanders across the border are without such freedom of speech. Talking about 
the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or even mentioning “June 4,” or “6.4,” could 
have one disappear.

      In 2007, Zhang Zhongshun, a lecturer from Yantai University, showed his 
class a video of the massacre he obtained from an overseas website. He was 
subsequently jailed for three years by Laishan City Court on Feb. 28, 2008.

         Tens of thousands of people hold candles during a vigil in Hong Kong 
on June 4, 2018, to mark the 29th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown 
in Beijing. (ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images)

      “I imagined that the worst case would just be that the university 
president would criticize me in front of my colleagues in a meeting. I would 
not have thought that the communist regime would imprison me,” Zhang told The 
Epoch Times in an interview after his release from the detention.

      “Is it illegal even if I include a historical event into my lecture?” he 

         A student displays a banner with one of the slogans chanted by the 
crowd of some 200,000 pouring into Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, in 
Beijing in an attempt to participate in the funeral ceremony of former Chinese 
Communist Party leader and liberal reformer Hu Yaobang. His death in April 
triggered an unprecedented wave of pro-democracy demonstrations. The April-June 
1989 movement was crushed by Chinese troops in June when army tanks rolled into 
Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)

      Who’d dare raise this for discussion in China knowing the consequences? 
This year marks the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Will the 
current Chinese leaders redress the issue and bring Jiang Zemin to justice for 
his litany of crimes? Only time will tell.

On Thu, Jun 04, 2020 at 11:15:46PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Hey hey, livin it up in Bat Stew land?  NO?  Well sweriously muh, you 
> ain't not knowin what yuze missin :)
> >From the dept. of the CCP writing the Chinese memes on deyselves .. comes 
> >...  The CCP - making Tank Man great again :D
> One could say "At least the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has a sense of 
> black humour."
>    Hong Kong Makes "Disrespecting Chinese National Anthem" A Crime - On 
> Anniversary Of 'Tiananmen Square'
>       As if the imposition of a new "National Security" law by the Politburo 
> Standing Committee wasn't enough of a kick to the face for Hong Kong's 
> pro-democracy movement, the city's own executive council, which over the 
> years has been packed with pro-Beijing lawmakers via anti-democratic tactics, 
> has just made it illegal to "disrespect" the Chinese national anthem.
>       What's worse: the new law, perhaps the biggest move by the legislature 
> to suppress political freedoms in the city to date, was passed on the 
> anniversary of "the June 4 incident" - better known in the US as the 
> Tiananmen Square massacre, which WSJ noted is a "poignant day" for Hong Kong.
>             For the first time, the HK Tiananmen vigil is banned.
>             Anyone calling the crackdown on demonstrators here “America’s 
> Tiananmen” is being facile.
>             We’re able to talk honestly about our flawed past and move the 
> moral needle. For 31 years, China has buried the memory of Tiananmen.
>             — Melissa Chen (@MsMelChen) June 4, 2020
>       Many suspect that the law was passed as part of an effort mandated by 
> Beijing to crack down on an annual vigil to honor the victims, which the 
> authorities are refusing to allow this year for the first time since the 
> incident occurred.
>             The vote was held on a poignant day in Hong Kong, where for the 
> first time in 30 years, authorities refused permission for a mass vigil to 
> mourn the deaths of the pro-democracy students gunned down by Chinese 
> soldiers in Tiananmen Square 31 years ago. Police objected to the vigil, 
> citing social-distancing rules amid the continuing coronavirus pandemic, and 
> threatened to arrest those who violated the ban.
>       ...
> There are regimes, and there are regimes.
> On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 12:34:25PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > When presented with essential propaganda, it is most important to not find 
> > the humorous side, and only treat everything with the utmost seriousness...
> > 
> > So remember y'all, a vote for D is a vote for Xi  :D
> > 
> > 
> >    Xi Takes Up Trump's Challenge
> >     Patrick Buchanan via,
> >
> >
> >       .. “China’s been ruled by a brutal, authoritarian regime, a communist 
> > regime since 1949. For several decades, we thought the regime would become 
> > more like us through trade, scientific exchanges, diplomatic outreach … 
> > (but) that didn’t happen.
> >       .. Who did this to us? We did it to ourselves.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >    Schlichter: This Election Is Republicans Versus China
> >     Kurt Schlichter, op-ed via,
> >    
> >
> >    
> >
> > 
> >       It’s pretty clear who the commie bastards known for their shoddy lab 
> > practices and their weird fetish for gnawing on pangolins badly want to win 
> > in November, and it's not Trump and the Republicans. The Chinese communists 
> > want their money’s worth, and they will go all-in for the Democrats who 
> > find the chance to hurt Trump at the same time they hurt America too 
> > delicious to pass up. Plus, the Dems heartily approve of what Mao’s Pals 
> > are doing to freedom-loving Hong Kongers, seeing it as a template for what 
> > they would love to do to freedom-loving us.
> > 
> >       We need to understand and accept that a vote for anyone with a “D” is 
> > a vote for Xi.
> >       ...

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