On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 04:28:00PM -0500, \0xDynamite wrote:
> > >> I suggest that most protestors will welcome this kind of technology.
> >
> > >All technology is a liability if there are no leaders.  They amplify
> > the good and the bad equally.  Unless there are leaders.  Until then
> > they consume resources.
> >
> > I think you need to explain that.  So far, it makes no sense to me.  And 
> > the "amplify the good and the bad equally" is misleading, because that 
> > clearly ignores the size of the 'sides' in the issue.
> >
> Yes, but there's always a loophole, just like Godel said.  And the
> same technology that is used against one side can be used to
> infiltrate and surveil them.  The size of who uses it doesn't matter
> that much with regard to infotech, because infotech amplifies the
> BRAIN of the wielder, whereas miltech amplifies the WILL.

Dang - dat be true ya mangey muffaluggerah :)

Tanks for tha thought,

> And we all
> know who has the bigger brain.
> \0xD

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