----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com> -----

From: Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 08:49:08 +1000
Subject: Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down


Natural News

Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so why did INFANT
mortality rates also plummet to historic lows?

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson
*Tags: goodhealth
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[image: Image: Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so
why did INFANT mortality rates also plummet to historic lows?]

(Natural News <https://www.naturalnews.com/>) Vaccines are praised as the
golden standard for saving millions of lives worldwide. That’s the promise
that we are led to believe as parents ritualistically submit their infant
sons and daughters to a cornucopia of state-sanctioned injections.
Well-baby visits are designed to introduce up to 26 liability-free
<https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/growing/immunization-schedule.html> in the
baby’s first year of life, during six or more visits to a pediatrician.

However, during the covid-19 lockdowns, well-baby visits were cancelled and
vaccination rates plummeted as a result. More parents stayed home, nursed
their babies, watched them closely, and kept them away from pediatricians.

When the national emergency order was declared, provider orders for routine
pediatric vaccines dropped significantly. The Vaccines for Children Program
and the Vaccine Safety Data link reported a drop-off in vaccination
coverage starting in the third week of March, as hundreds of thousands of
parents stayed home and skipped well-baby visits. The downward trend was
observed from March 23rd to the end of April for all non-influenza
vaccines, especially measles-containing vaccines.
[image: image.png]

*So why did infant mortality rates drop to historic lows as vaccination
coverage fell?*

If vaccines are so important for an infant to live, then why didn’t the infant
death rate dramatically increase as vaccination coverage fell
The data shows that the opposite effect occurred; infant deaths actually
plummeted to historic lows! In the U.S., infants mortality occurs at
roughly 700 babies per week. This trend of infant death and sacrifice
remained steady from 2014 to 2019. In 2020, this all changed. From early
March to mid-April, infant deaths fell by 30 percent on average each week!
Throughout April and into mid May, the infant mortality rate had declined
to 500 on average per week.
[image: image.png]

Deaths among children under 18 are relatively rare when compared to deaths
from other age groups. For the average death rate to change by 30 percent
in the youngest age group (infants) – that is unprecedented!

The main causes of death for infants is congenital malformation (birth
defects), representing 32 percent of all infant deaths. On average,
accidents account for 31 percent of infant deaths. Circulatory
complications (9 percent) and homicide (7 percent) are also contributing
causes. The biggest grey area for infant death is “sudden infant death
syndrome” which accounts for roughly 32 percent of infant deaths. This is
when an otherwise healthy infant suddenly dies in their sleep, through
suffocation, poisoning, or from an undiagnosed condition or adverse

*Infant mortality rates fall when less vaccine doses are administered*

An important study found that infant mortality rates regressed
the number of vaccine doses routinely given. The study asks: Is there a
biochemical or synergistic toxicity? After all, the cumulative safety of
the entire U.S. vaccine schedule has never been studied.

Infant mortality rate is defined as the number of infant deaths per 1000
live births. The infant mortality rate for the US is an abysmal 6.22.
Singapore, Sweden, and Japan have an infant mortality rate that is less
than half that of the US (2.80). There were major differences in infant
mortality for nations that gave 12-14 doses in the first year of a baby’s
life compared to those that gave 21-23 and 24-26 doses. As of 2009, the
five nations with the lowest infant mortality rate only require 12 vaccine
doses in the infant’s first year, compared to 24-26 doses required by the
US. The US pathetically has the highest infant mortality rate out of the 33
developed nations in the study.

The covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 provided more insight into how a nation can
lower the infant mortality rate. As a nation that cares for the lives of
its citizens, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) must rethink the purpose of well-baby visits and the
necessity of pumping infants full of numerous vaccinations. If the US can
save 200 or more babies on average each week by simply foregoing well-baby
visits and vaccinations, then how many more babies can be saved if
pediatric care was reformed entirely, and vaccine doses were lessened
<http://vaccines.news/>? How many babies can be saved if pediatric care
adopted a more comprehensive and integrative approach to infant immunology
and neurodevelopment? Finally, what if vaccine manufacturers were held
liable in a court of law?

*Sources include:*


CDC.gov <https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/growing/immunization-schedule.html>


Image credits: ChildrensHealthDefense.org

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