This might be obvious in hindsight, or I might just be unfortunately slow to 
grasp things, but to this morning's delight, a "blame Trump" exercise actually 
surprises me.  Go figure.

Presimably feeling the heat, Soros is for some strange reason wanting his grand 
hurrah, the White color revolution being dished out on North America for the 
world to see, to NOT be blamed on Soros!

It's hard to get over the level's of chutzpah in this one, and really, chops to 
Soros for at least __trying__ to pin the blame on someone as Project Veritas 
and other leaks ongoingly damn him in the public mind ...

... I guess "Putin dunnit" was beginning to wear a little thin.. and since for 
30+ years the oligarchs have been stashing the cash over in their favourite 
Pooh Bear dictatorship, and now they're struggling to get it out, they might as 
well try to turn up the heat on MAGA Man.

"All's fair in war and color revolutions."

Quite sophístamicated:

   Hedge Fund CIO: Trump Is Now Left With Two Darker Options - A Domestic Civil 
Conflict And/Or A Chinese Conflict

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