On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:14:58AM +1000, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> On 2020-08-03 13:13, Karl wrote:
> > You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> > with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?
> Anyone who says "abolish the police" is saying some lives don't matter.
> Civilized people who live among other civilized people don't need police
> and policing, and for them police are a dangerous nuisance who give you
> traffic tickets and whom the family court will send to kick down your
> door.  But blacks need police very much, because blacks tend to live
> around black people, and people who live around black people are subject
> casual violence and high risk of violent death.
> Maybe abolishing the police would work out well for some of us.  For one
> thing, there would soon be far fewer black people.

   It’s Gonna Blow
   Be a Miracle if it Don't
   Fred Reed • July 30, 2020 • 1,600 Words

      .. BLM is cocky, aware of its power, made overconfident by easy victory. 
It, and Antifa, have never met resistance. If things get really wild, though, 
they will. They will also find that food does not really grow in Safeway, and 
that a Safeway burned out does not necessarily return to be burned out again.

      A country gets what it asks for, and deserves what it tolerates. Most of 
the social problems engendering chaos result from the failure or collusion of 

      .. The deadliest question is how to accommodate blacks. One mustn’t say 
what everyone knows, that blacks are the least educable, least productive, most 
criminal, most violent, most dependent, and least assimilable of the 
population. If anything can be done about any of these, it won’t be, because no 
one is permitted to name the problem. No one is in charge.

      .. If confronted by force, the white rioters, mostly young, will melt 
away. They are Snowflakes, Millennials, young, stupid, ignorant, having the 
most exalted time of a life boring before and soon to be again, Blacks, more 
virile, will not. If they do not, the resultant mayhem will make our starter 
riots like like a PTA meeting at Lake Woebegone. Then what?

      Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to 
live together. Whites and blacks have almost no common ground, little common 
history. Whites trace their history back to well before the ancient Greeks, 
through Rome, the Renaissance, Europe. Blacks had no part in this and, it 
seems, have no interest in it. Aristotle? Thomas Jefferson? Einstein? Madame 
Butterfly? Galois? FORTRAN? These might all have come from some remote galactic 

      There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore 
conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no worse than the common flu as 
hospitals report overwhelmed ICUs and epidemiologists cry the alarm. Blue 
states favor lockdown while red states open up. Libertarians peddle cockamamie 
conspiracy theories. Mask laws are ignored or fought over. China, South Korea, 
Singapore shut down, control the virus, go back to work. Not America. Nobody is 
in charge.

      Nothing holds the country together. There is no social glue, no dominant 
culture. We have no shared history, language, dialect, ethnicity, or religion. 
Diversity turns the country into rubble.

      Diversity? It is the end of America. The country once was overwhelmingly 
white, European, Anglophone, and Christian. It worked, as approximate 
monocultures usually do. No longer. The North hates—the word is not too 
strong—the South and seeks to erase its culture and uniqueness. The Bible Belt 
is intensely Christian while the northern elites, heavily Jewish, seek to 
suppress Christianity. The coastal elites hold the central deplorables in 
contempt. Blacks hate whites. Feminists hate men.

      Hispanics float in indeterminate limbo, not having jumped either way. 
Amerindians maintain a demanding apartness. Jews, neither Christian nor, in the 
minds of many, neither quite European or quite American, control the media and 
finance, generating perennial hostility. Bulk lot Somalis, having nothing in 
common with Minnesota, are in Minnesota. On and on.

      It is going to blow. If it doesn’t, a miracle will have happened.

      Currently, if weirdly, blacks hold the whip hand in the country, but it 
will not last and won’t improve racial relations. it is lighting a fuse, 
fertilizing hatreds that cannot be expressed but, if ever they are, Katie bar 
the door.

      Statues come down if blacks don’t like them. Universities abandon 
teaching English grammar because blacks can’t understand it. Whites are fired 
for saying, “All lives matter.” The country lowers standards for blacks in 
medical schools, lowers required scores on the bar exam for them. High schools 
give diplomas to blacks who can barely read.

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