'Blondie" anticipated this 40+ years ago.

[I'm not] Living in the Real World.

Objective Reality Doesn't Exist, Quantum Experiment Shows

By Alessandro Fedrizzi - Professor of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt University, 
Massimiliano Proietti - PhD Candidate of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt 
University November 16, 2019

 Now, it seems they have even infected science — at least the quantum realm. 
This may seem counter intuitive. The scientific method is after all founded on 
the reliable notions of observation, measurement and repeatability. A fact, as 
established by a measurement, should be objective, such that all observers can 
agree with it.

But in a paper recently published in Science Advances, we show that, in the 
micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange rules of 
quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to their own facts. In 
other words, according to our best theory of the building blocks of nature 
itself, facts can actually be subjective.

Observers are powerful players in the quantum world. According to the theory, 
particles can be in several places or states at once — this is called a 
superposition. But oddly, this is only the case when they aren't observed. The 
second you observe a quantum system, it picks a specific location or state — 
breaking the superposition. The fact that nature behaves this way has been 
proven multiple times in the lab — for example, in the famous double slit 

Related: The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics
In 1961, physicist Eugene Wigner proposed a provocative thought experiment. He 
questioned what would happen when applying quantum mechanics to an observer 
that is themselves being observed. Imagine that a friend of Wigner tosses a 
quantum coin — which is in a superposition of both heads and tails — inside a 
closed laboratory. Every time the friend tosses the coin, they observe a 
definite outcome. We can say that Wigner's friend establishes a fact: the 
result of the coin toss is definitely head or tail.[end of partial quote]

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