Does anybody have any facts about Daniel Lange?

What is really remarkable is that Debian ignored this evidence and began
processing Lange's application to become a Debian Developer in the same
week that they were expelling Jacob Appelbaum

The arrogance and hypocrisy knows no limits

Removed 2020-06-18

Began application 2020-06-24, complete 2020-12-21

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Daniel Lange] Do some public considerations for newmaint
application, good way to proceed?
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 19:42:26 -0400
From: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <>

Hi all,

I've supported a few applications in the newmaint list and I never objected
one. With Daniel Lange's declaration of intent I feel for the first time the
need to publically do some considerations, but I don't know the best way
to proceed.
I'd like to make it clear that his behavior in some situations in the past
are not welcome in Debian. At the same time I don't want to start a noisy
thread in there.

I witnessed aggressive and disrespectful behavior from Daniel against a
very close to me, both written and in person, during Debconf15. As he
was not a
member/whatever of the Debian community I decided to let it go. Besides
that, I
think he was quite harmful during the storm against the Debconf chairs.
But it
may be more a personal opinion.

I'm aware that he's doing a lot of work for Debconf and I'm not objecting to
his application. But I'll just feel bad if I say nothing at this time.

Any suggestion on how to act will be appreciate on such situations.



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