Interesting times:

   The Coming Coup
    Michael Anton via The American Mind

      ... These items are, to repeat, merely a short but representative list of 
what Byron York recently labeled “coup porn.” York seems to think this is just 
harmless fantasizing on the part of the ruling class and its Democratic 
servants. For some of them, no doubt that’s true. But for all of them? I’m not 
so sure.

      In his famously exhaustive discussion of conspiracies, Machiavelli goes 
out of his way to emphasize the indispensability of “operational 
security”—i.e., silence—to success. The first rule of conspiracy is, you do not 
talk about the conspiracy. The second rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk 
about the conspiracy.

      So why are the Democrats—publicly—talking about the conspiracy?

      Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a 
conspiracy. They need to plant the idea in the public mind, now, that their 
unlawful and illegitimate removal of President Trump from office will somehow 
be his fault.

      Never mind the pesky detail that the president would refuse to leave only 
if he were convinced he legitimately won. Remember: Biden should not concede 
--under any circumstances--.

      The second part of the plan is either to produce enough harvested 
ballots—lawfully or not—to tip close states, or else dispute the results in 
close states and insist, no matter what the tally says, that Biden won them. 
The worst-case scenario (for the country, but not for the ruling class) would 
be results in a handful of states that are so ambiguous and hotly disputed that 
no one can rightly say who won. Of course, that will not stop the Democrats 
from insisting that they won.


Pray.  And vote.  Vote and pray.  And pray some more.  And consider testing the 
voting system, whilst remembering to pray.

Did someone mention vote? And pray?  If not, vote and pray.

Pray for our collective, and individual, redemption.

Pray that righteousness prevails.

Pray that evil is cast from this world, into prisons and beyond.

God speed.

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