BATSHIT Stasi, the nutty Green Nazi, claimed Karl Marx was a Jew yet there is 
evidence from nearly every decade of his adult life that Karl Marx was 
antisemitic. In his Uni Thesis. In his bourgeois, capitalist journalism for the 
NYC Tribune, in " Das Kapital" and in his numerous letters to the bourgeois, 
capitalist employer, Fred Engels.
No-one who never observes the Judaic religion and who consistently and 
persistently attacks Jews in the worst possible ways could ever be regarded as 
a Jew.  To make such a claim exposes the person making it as a liar.
Batshit-Crazy Stasi Moron is a liar in the Tim May phoney-anarchist tradition 
and needs some crypto-wintering.
And here's another reason to kick this dishonest little shit off our anarchist 
list. The dipshit claims to hate 'technofascism'.  Well there's one really easy 
way to fight technofascism - GET OFF the FUCKING INTERNET!

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