On 2020-11-13 05:17, jim bell wrote:
> I for one think these allegations of vote fraud need to be investigated, even 
> if they are not expected to change the outcome of the race.

In areas where the democrats controlled the counting, and Trump was
winning, we saw the infamous "blue shift"

They shut down the counting, printed a bunch of ballots, were spotted
hastily filling them in (Biden only, not voting down ticket), and when
counting resumed, we got a seven hundred thousand ballot blue shit,
which far exceeds the largest previous blue shift (which was twenty
thousand) and far exceeds any plausibly deniable margin of fraud.

If Biden is elected by the legacy media, and installed by the deep
state, we will never have a democratic election anywhere again in
America, and most of the Republican party will go to jail, where they
will eventually be executed or Epsteined.

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