
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 5:03 AM Karl <gmk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I liked a decision making way called spokescouncil, which has many
> > different variants.  Here's a link from google:
> > https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/spokescouncil .  These approaches
> Reviewing with what I know now, it's pretty obvious the situation
> would focus on the spokes and disrupt their communication channels.
> You could counter that by providing an avenue for _anybody_ at _any
> time_ to veto a past decision.  You'd want to provide the avenue at
> places likely to be impacted by the decision.

A more conventional situation would be to make sure spokes were people
who had extensive experience in honestly representing others.  This
means that when they do so, all the members of theirs groups honestly
appreciate the representation.  The jaded scared activist community is
full of people with such experience.  They rough-hewn, knowledgeable,
friendly, passionate and often older people who are hard to find.  We
also train people at this in universities, but I don't know if that
training includes handling extreme coercion.

> This is in case people weren't included in a forthright manner, which
> often happens when group members don't know each other well.

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