On 2021-01-13 07:36, Karl wrote:
> There is nothing contradictory about caring about your neighbors,
> wanting to listen to and understand them, and wanting them to listen
> to and understand you.

The problem however, is Trotsky, a communist, an urbanite, and a failed
Jewish money lender, says "Hail fellow peasant, I too am a peasant.  And
your enemy is the kulak, the man with two cows, who is an agent of your
enemy Wall Street, and was assigned his two cows by Wall Street"

And then Trotsky murders the peasant with two cows, and takes the
peasant's land.  Then he takes the land and seed corn of the peasant
with no cows.

Nice talk is unpersuasive when leftists are murdering real and suspected
Trump supporters and getting away with it.

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