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Forced Sterilization, Creepy Govt Eugenics, MKULTRA

The U.S. Is Still Forcibly Sterilizing Prisoners

AP/Rich Pedroncelli

Last month, news broke that a Tennessee judge issued a standing order
offering inmates a 30-day sentence reduction if they underwent a
permanent birth control procedure: vasectomies for men, or a 4-year
birth control implant (Nexplanon) for women. Though the program is
technically voluntary, media pointed to it as a form of coercion that
forces inmates into sterilization. The American Civil Liberties Union
agreed, arguing that the program “violates the fundamental
constitutional right to reproductive autonomy.”

But the media missed a key piece of context in its outcry: Programs
like this aren’t actually unusual. The United States has a long
history of forcibly sterilizing people, and it never really stopped.

Starting in 1907, state governments sanctioned sterilization as a form
of eugenics, to prevent anyone with undesirable traits—disabilities,
poverty, a criminal record, specific racial backgrounds—from
procreating. This type of legislation justified the sterilization of
approximately 60,000 Americans until the laws were phased out in the
late 1970s. But that doesn’t mean the practice actually ended: In
2013, the Center for Investigative Reporting found that at least 148
female inmates in California received tubal ligations without their
consent between 2006 and 2010. Just one year later, the Associated
Press reported on at least four instances of prosecutors in Nashville
including birth control requirements in plea deals.

Other recent examples of court-required sterilization throughout the
country include a 21-year-old West Virginia mother who had her tubes
tied as part of her probation for marijuana possession (2009), and a
man in Virginia who traded a vasectomy for a lighter child
endangerment sentence (2014). “We’re starting to reach a point where
the courts are responsible for anyone,” explained one prosecutor
involved in a Florida plea deal. “It’s one final step to have to
supervise teenagers in sexual relationships they aren’t ready to

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