> Every day, more fraud, lies, censorship, and hypocrisy

Americans were defrauded by Democrats Biased, Lying,
Plant Printing, Censoring, Fake News Social Media and
Big Tech, and that's before all the ongoing election audits
are completed which are already raising more questions.

Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Greenwald and Russell Brand In Viral Video Destroys MSM
and Silicon Valley For Hiding "Troubling" Hunter Biden News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs8Qae0QgGw  Media Censored Election News

In a rare and refreshing interview which on YouTube has garnered
100,000 views in less than 24 hours, British comedian and actor
Russell Brand and former Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald teamed
up to explain last year's scandalous coordination by the mainstream
media and social media companies to ensure the Hunter Biden laptop
story and accompanying revelations over the Hunter-Ukrainian Burisma
energy company scandal never reached broader public view.

"I’m not a pro-Republican person," Brand introduced while talking to
Greenwald on his YouTube channel. "I don’t see myself that way. I
don’t see myself as conservative, or that I’m in a Trump, or Giuliani,
or the  kind of media establishments that were reporting on these
revelations [about Biden’s family]. They are not my cultural, social,
or political allies. That’s certainly not how I see myself." And then
he blasted away: "However, it seems to me — what reason is Hunter
Biden sat on the board of an energy company in... Ukraine?” he
questioned. "What reason is James Biden sat on the board, or receiving
payments from an energy company, in China?"

Recall that The New York Post among others saw their Twitter account
suspended for a whopping 16 days over the news story, while Facebook
also aggressively cracked down on users' ability to share any content
related to Burisma, the Biden family's Ukraine dealings, or the
infamous laptop archive.

Brand said further in the interview, according to a transcript:

    "We’re talking about sleaze, corruption, financial misdemeanors,
and relationships between corporations, big business, and politicians
— let’s face it, unless you’re bloody stupid, you know that’s going on
all the time."

    "For me, revelations that there are financial connections between
energy companies in... Ukraine, energy companies in China, and the
Biden family are troubling. That should be public knowledge."

Brand emphasized "That should be public knowledge." He went on to
discuss Silicon Valley's efforts at controlling and blatantly
censoring the political conversation in order to "protect" a crucial
election... or rather to outright prevent a Trump victory.

"And it’s even more troubling that Twitter, and Facebook and the media
at large deliberately kept it out of the news because they didn’t want
it to influence the election," Brand told Greenwald.

    In part two of my conversation with journalist Glenn Greenwald we
discuss events surrounding his Hunter Biden revelations...what are
your thoughts?

    Watch the full video here: https://t.co/VxdqoDlqMT
    — Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) May 24, 2021

And more...

    What is democracy then? It suggests to me that democracy is, 'We
want you to vote for this person. We don’t want you to vote for that

    As I’ve said, Donald Trump, you know, I don’t think Donald Trump’s
the answer, but I’m sad to realize that I can no longer even claim to
believe Joe Biden or the Democratic Party might be the answer, because
look at how they behave. And look at the relationships between media,
social media, and that party.

Using word choice that clearly denotes his concluding that there was a
choreographed plot among big media and big tech to sanitize
information before it reached the public, Brand concluded, "They
conspired to keep information away from you because it was not
convenient to their agenda."

    Really interesting from Russell Brand, of all people. "Did Media
conspire with social media to CENSOR Joe/Hunter Biden Corruption
Report? (Yes!)" https://t.co/oGGWMwBtPu
    — Mollie (@MZHemingway) May 25, 2021

And Greenwald later commented of the new interview with Brand: "US
media and tech giants united to bar millions of Americans from hearing
this reporting before they voted" - in reference to the Biden Family
laptop archive.

Meanwhile it will be interesting to see how long YouTube actually
leaves up the new Brand-Greenwald interview, or whether it gets
slapped with a restrictive "warning" label.

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