The internet goes into overdrive... The Confession  DMS  random vloggers*/*/

The mainstream reports...

Suicidal neglect... just as effective as being $WHACKD, but with no
messy actors...
Mcafee tried to commit suicide four months ago in the jail in which he
was held, La Vanguardia reported on Saturday, citing sources familiar
with the events.

On February 28, the person who shared a cell with John McAfee at
Brians 1 prison warned that his cellmate had injured himself by
cutting his arms, for which McAfee had to be taken by ambulance to a

>From the medical center they produced a report that warned that McAfee
had to be treated by the prison psychiatrist, who visited him once he
was discharged and re-entered prison.

However, the professional said that it was not necessary to provide
him with regular psychiatric care or activate the anti-suicide
protocol, because the injuries to the extremities were superficial, so
he argued that there was no real will to end his life.

A few days later, he was transferred to Brians 2 prison. According to
Javier Villalba Sánchez, McAfee’s family lawyer, the officials told
them that the movement was due to “adaptation problems”.

“At no time were we informed that there had been a visit to the
hospital after an episode of self-injury, which we find especially
serious in the management of Mr. McAfee’s stay under their
supervision,” he said.

According to the Spanish media, the only possible justification would
be that McAfee himself had personally requested that the events not be
passed on to his relatives. In any case.

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