Shit getting weirder... Be prepared...

Chinese Communist Party Officials Share Viral Video Urging Nuclear
Strikes On Japan

Bombers being intercepted,
warning shots being fired against ships.

Racist propaganda being pushed and fomented worldwide..
"Sick Of Westie Whites" Blatant Anti-White, Anti-Asian Racism In Schools
Fake social justice warriors just got caught lying to a judge...

Several Colombians Arrested In Haiti Assassination Received US
Military Training says Pentagon
Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont - in more or less an official
'oops,' chalked it up to 'a grim reminder that US assistance to other
countries can take unexpected turns.'

US Air Force Plane Makes Unannounced Landing In Taiwan, Outraging Beijing

On Thursday a United States Air Force plane briefly touched down an
Taipei's international airport, enraging China over what it perceives
as another severe violation of the 'One China' policy, also coming a
month after a group of US Senators visited Taiwan in a large military
cargo plane.

The US initially didn't explain why the short stop happened, which was
described in local media reports as "unannounced". It prompted a
statement out of Beijing saying "Any foreign military planes landing
in Taiwan need China’s approval," according to Bloomberg citing a
defense ministry official statement.

The Chinese statement reiterated prior warnings that the United States
must "not play with fire" and to "immediately stop its risky and
provocative actions." The defense ministry statement also vowed to
destroy any "attempts" toward "Taiwan "independence".

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