Privacy, and even freedom, are not the be-all and end-all of cypherpunk 
revolution since the famous cryptic anarchist, Mikhail W. Bakunin hath said 
that " Freedom to break into computers, without anarchism, is privilege, 
injustice and scumbag entitlement " 

Maximizing righteous degrees of freedom means c-punks are all about ' privacy 
for the poor and transparency for the powerful '.  So powerful figures that 
preen, pose and posture as pacifists in public while hiring hitmen in private 
must have no place in our counsels since their position may be summarized as ' 
Crypto-anarchism without living, breathing freedom is brutal genocide and 
slavery " ( Bakunin again )
Anti-social criminals can't hide as guerilla's in our midst - they will be 
doxxed, ddossed and driven out with deadly blows.  The cyphernomicon is our 
constitution - its not a suicide pact.
Here endeth the sermon. 

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