
WASHINGTON – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today
announced a collaboration with Operation HOPE, Inc., to promote financial
education using the FDIC’s Money Smart curriculum and other resources and
to help educate minority- and/or women-owned businesses on how to do
business with the agency.  The arrangement expands upon a longstanding
relationship between the FDIC and Operation HOPE to promote economic
inclusion and increase consumer access to affordable credit.

In 2001, recognizing the importance of financial education, particularly
for persons with little or no banking experience, the FDIC created Money
a financial education curriculum adopted by an alliance of more than 1,400
financial institutions and community-based partners across the United
States.  Operation HOPE is a non-profit organization with a mission to
promote financial empowerment and economic inclusion.  As outlined in
its Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan
the FDIC regularly cooperates with community groups across the nation, like
Operation HOPE, to support financial inclusion.

“We are excited about FDIC’s collaboration with Operation HOPE as we share
a common purpose to help every person belong to our nation’s financial
system,” said FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams. “Working together, it is our
goal to make certain our nation’s economy works for everyone.”

“FDIC’s bold commitment to financial education and empowerment closely
aligns with our work at Operation HOPE,” said John Hope Bryant, Founder,
Chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE. “Through initiatives like Money Smart,
we are honored to help increase the ability for more Americans to take
control of their finances and build a brighter future.”

The collaboration announced today outlines a number of activities that the
FDIC and Operation HOPE will engage in to promote financial education using
the Money Smart curriculum and to share technical assistance and other
resources to educate minority- and/or women-owned businesses on how to
effectively compete for opportunities related to FDIC contracts, asset
purchases, and investments.  Read the collaboration arrangement between the
FDIC and Operation HOPE, Inc.


FDIC and Operation Hope Collaboration Arrangement

*Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xNY.io> | Bank.org <http://Bank.org>*
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