On 2/2/22 19:56, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> quinn wrote :
>> I support the Tor Project taking legal action against any such
>> offenders if that becomes necessary
> quinn wrote :
>> There was no mention of murder in that message, and I despise
>> violence in all its forms.
> so quinn is calling for US government ***** to take 'legal actions'
> while at the same time pretending that he 'despises violence'. It
> looks as if quinn doesn't understand that the 'legal actions' of the
> US government are just violence and will ultimately result in the
> targets of such 'actions' being murderer, if they try to assert their
> human rights.

If you are so stupid as to believe this I don't know what else there is
to say.

Legal remedies are undertaken so as to avoid the use of violence.

> so quinn claims "I despise violence" while calling for violence. That
> is how stupid government agents are.

I'm not calling for violence, and once again:

I do not now and have never worked for any government agency, and
further, I likely never will. This  includes Federal, state, city,
county, whether United States or foreign.

If you had actually read my blogs, you would know that I'm far too vocal
of a critic of idiotic government actions (particularly local police) to
express that viewpoint openly and remain employed in whatever cushy
government job you think I have.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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