It's not just about Kazakhstan.Somebody's got to talk about those names now

Like Evgeny Abolonin ?

------- Original Message -------
zeynepaydogan <> 21 Şubat 2022 Pazartesi saat 01:35 
tarihinde yazdı:

> “The only way to expose its wrongdoing is to find ways to penetrate the veil 
> of secrecy that protects it, he said.”….. “One person believed this strongly 
> enough to take action: The leaker of the data.”…
> What should I do this data.
> ------- Original Message -------
> zeynepaydogan <> 21 Şubat 2022 Pazartesi saat 
> 01:25 tarihinde yazdı:
>> What is Suisse Secrets?
>> Suisse Secrets is an international investigation into one of the world’s 
>> wealthiest and most important banks.
>> More than 163 journalists from 48 media outlets in 39 countries across the 
>> world spent months analyzing bank account information leaked from Credit 
>> Suisse, Switzerland’s second-largest lender. The leak included more than 
>> 18,000 accounts that held in excess of US$100 billion at their peaks. It is 
>> the only known leak of a major Swiss bank’s client data to journalists.
>> Switzerland is a well-known destination for money from all over the world, 
>> in part because of its banking secrecy laws. There is nothing inherently 
>> wrong with having a Swiss bank account. But banks are supposed to avoid 
>> clients who earned money illegally or were involved in crimes — and 
>> reporters identified dozens of corrupt government officials, criminals, and 
>> alleged human rights abusers among Credit Suisse account holders.
>> Despite their notoriety — which, in some cases, would have been obvious from 
>> a quick Google search — Credit Suisse maintained relationships with some of 
>> these clients for years, though it is possible that some accounts were 
>> ordered frozen by law enforcement.
>> The Suisse Secrets project investigates these account holders, whose 
>> exploitation of Swiss banking secrecy is a prime example of how the 
>> international financial industry enables theft and corruption. Given Credit 
>> Suisse’s numerous pledges to reform its due diligence practices over the 
>> years, the project highlights the need for increased accountability in this 
>> sector.
>> . Where did the data come from? What’s known about it?
>> The Suisse Secrets data was provided to the German newspaper Süddeutsche 
>> Zeitung by an anonymous source more than a year ago. Nothing is known about 
>> the source’s identity.
>> The source, however, did provide a statement explaining his or her 
>> motivations. It reads, in part:
>>> “I believe that Swiss banking secrecy laws are immoral. The pretext of 
>>> protecting financial privacy is merely a fig leaf covering the shameful 
>>> role of Swiss banks as collaborators of tax evaders. … This situation 
>>> enables corruption and starves developing countries of much-needed tax 
>>> revenue.”
>>> “I want to emphasize the fact that the responsibility for this state of 
>>> affairs does not lie with Swiss banks but rather with the Swiss legal 
>>> system. Banks are simply being good capitalists by maximizing profits 
>>> within the legal framework they operate in. Simply put, Swiss legislators 
>>> are responsible for enabling financial crimes and — by virtue of their 
>>> direct democracy — the Swiss people have the power to do something about 
>>> it.”
>>> “I am aware that having an offshore Swiss bank account does not necessarily 
>>> imply tax evasion or any other financial crime. I am sure that some of the 
>>> accounts … have a legitimate reason for existing or that they have been 
>>> declared to tax authorities in compliance with the relevant legislation. 
>>> However, it is likely that a significant number of these accounts were 
>>> opened with the sole purpose of hiding their holder’s wealth.”
>> The full statement has been published by Süddeutsche Zeitung 
>> in[English]([German](
>> 3. What’s in the leaked data?
>> The leaked data includes information about more than 18,000 Credit Suisse 
>> accounts and 30,000 account holders. (Some clients hold multiple accounts, 
>> while many accounts are controlled by multiple clients.)
>> The information about each account includes the account number, the name of 
>> the holder or holders, the opening and closing dates, and the maximum amount 
>> ever present in the account. There is no indication of whether they are 
>> checking, savings, or investment accounts.
>> Credit Suisse has multiple subsidiaries, and has also acquired several banks 
>> over the years. There’s no indication in the data whether some of these 
>> accounts were opened at one of those other banks before being moved to 
>> Credit Suisse, or whether they belong to a subsidiary. All accounts are 
>> referred to in this investigation as “Credit Suisse” accounts.
>> Some of the account holders are people, while others are legal entities such 
>> as companies. They are domiciled in more than 120 jurisdictions and 
>> represent over 160 nationalities.
>> The total amount of money held in the accounts at their maximum was more 
>> than US$100 billion. The average account held about 7.5 million Swiss francs 
>> at its largest point, but there were some outliers: Over a dozen accounts 
>> held more than 1 billion Swiss francs. These figures do not give any 
>> indication of the total amount of money moved through the accounts over the 
>> years, which is unknown but is likely to be much higher.
>> The data in the leak does not extend through the present day, though many of 
>> the accounts remained open well into the 2010s. The years with the most 
>> account openings were 2007 and 2008. The year of peak account closings was 
>> 2014, coinciding with the[introduction of new regulations in 
>> Switzerland](
>>  automatically exchange tax information on clients with foreign residency. 
>> The average account was open for about 11 years.
>> 4. Why are clients from some countries not represented in the data?
>> Though the leaked Credit Suisse data includes information about customers 
>> from more than 120 jurisdictions, some of the world’s biggest countries — 
>> including the United States, Russia, China, and Brazil — are not heavily 
>> represented.
>> While the reasons for this are not entirely clear, journalists observed that 
>> many clients that did appear in the data live in countries that did not sign 
>> on to use the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) — a global anti-tax evasion 
>> initiative that requires countries to automatically exchange basic banking 
>> information with tax authorities — or only agreed to signed on in the last 
>> few years.
>> Countries that featured heavily in the data, such as Egypt, Ukraine, and 
>> Venezuela, have not yet committed to exchange banking information under the 
>> CRS.
>> One outlier is the United States, which also has not signed on to the CRS 
>> and yet was not heavily represented in the leak. However, the United States 
>> has agreed to numerous bilateral tax treaties, including one with 
>> Switzerland, which gives tax authorities mutual access to banking 
>> information of customers suspected of tax evasion and other financial crimes.
>> 5. How was the veracity of the data checked? What do we know and not know?
>> Journalists spent months interviewing knowledgeable insiders and checking 
>> the data against other sources, including company records, official 
>> gazettes, court files, and criminal investigations.
>> In dozens of cases, the account numbers in the data matched those found in 
>> external documents. The dates of birth of over 150 account-holders in the 
>> leak also matched those found in public records.
>> Reporters found additional corroboration of several Suisse Secrets bank 
>> accounts in two other leaks of banking data that had been obtained years 
>> earlier.
>> Accounts belonging to the sons of a high-level Azerbaijani official and one 
>> of their business partners appeared in data from 
>> the[Troika]([Azerbaijani](,
>>  two large money-laundering systems previously uncovered by OCCRP. 
>> Transaction records show that shell companies associated with the 
>> laundromats sent millions of dollars to the Credit Suisse accounts over a 
>> period of several years. ([Learn more about the Talibov family’s Swiss bank 
>> accounts](
>> Reporters also reached out to the clients whose information was leaked. In 
>> several cases, they confirmed the existence of the accounts listed in the 
>> data.
>> Citing client privacy, Credit Suisse neither confirmed nor denied the 
>> veracity of the leaked data.
>> One significant limitation of the data is that journalists were unable to 
>> determine whether the accounts they examined had been frozen at any point. 
>> When contacted by reporters, some clients said that their accounts had been 
>> frozen, but no clear pattern emerged in the data from these cases that could 
>> be applied to others.
>> 6. How did journalists select whose information to publish? What about 
>> privacy concerns?
>> It is not a crime to open a Swiss bank account, and all journalists working 
>> on this project operated from that position. In responsible journalism, 
>> there is no justification for publishing private banking data without a 
>> compelling public interest.
>> That’s why the Suisse Secrets project used the leaked data — which will 
>> never be released in raw form — only as a starting point.
>> Journalists spent months confirming the veracity of the leak and 
>> investigating Credit Suisse’s clients. We pursued stories only when there 
>> was reason to suspect that clients were exploiting the Swiss banking system 
>> to nefarious ends. Conservative editorial judgment was used, and hundreds of 
>> accounts that raised questions were not ultimately reported on.
>> Those cases that merited publication involved clients known to have been 
>> high-risk: politically connected people or those accused or convicted of 
>> serious crimes. OCCRP’s[interactive feature also follows this 
>> framework](, 
>> showing dozens of Credit Suisse accounts belonging to prominent figures, 
>> alongside the scandals, criminal investigations, or high-profile political 
>> events they were involved in.
>> One example is[Rodoljub 
>> Radulović](,
>>  a high-ranking member of one of Eastern Europe’s largest cocaine-smuggling 
>> cartels, led by the notorious Serbian drug lord Darko Sarić. Radulović was 
>> able to open a Credit Suisse account despite a long history of involvement 
>> in financial scandals in the United States. He then used it to launder over 
>> 3 million euros’ worth of drug money, Serbian prosecutors say.
>> Another is[Eduard 
>> Seidel](,
>>  a former top executive in Nigeria for German telecommunications giant 
>> Siemens, whose accounts contained tens of millions of Swiss francs. Two of 
>> them remained open for almost a decade after allegations of his involvement 
>> in a major bribery scandal in Nigeria first broke.
>> Then there’s[Muller Conrad ‘Billy’ 
>> Rautenbach](,
>>  a mining magnate who has openly boasted of his willingness to bribe his way 
>> to the top, and was sanctioned by the U.S. and EU. He opened high-value 
>> accounts at Credit Suisse even after the U.N. warned he was allegedly 
>> overseeing corrupt mining deals in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
>> The larger story that unites these cases is that of a major financial 
>> institution that allowed clients to stash away laundered or stolen assets. 
>> Nearly all of the stories rely on publicly available information, meaning 
>> that Credit Suisse’s due diligence department would have had access to it as 
>> well.
>> “Everyone should have some access to the banking system,” said Graham 
>> Barrow, a financial crime specialist. “What you should not be able to do is 
>> use the banking system to introduce corruptly acquired wealth and legitimize 
>> it.”
>> In the end, the goal of investigative journalism is to identify and expose 
>> systemic failures. Over the last 20 years, Credit Suisse has been embroiled 
>> in more than a dozen major scandals involving corruption, tax evasion, money 
>> laundering, or other crimes on the part of its clients. The bank has paid 
>> multiple fines and reached multiple settlements with authorities, 
>> periodically promising to strengthen its compliance practices. But the 
>> scandals have continued.
>> 7. What is a bank’s responsibility regarding its clients?
>> Journalists spoke to multiple financial experts, regulators, and banking 
>> insiders about what precautions Credit Suisse should have taken to prevent 
>> suspicious clients from being taken on.
>> Ross Delton, a U.S.-based anti-money-laundering expert and lawyer, said that 
>> high-risk and politically influential people aren’t prohibited from opening 
>> bank accounts, but must be subject to enhanced scrutiny. The origin of their 
>> wealth needs to be examined, and a senior manager must approve their 
>> onboarding, he said.
>> As for people convicted of corruption, “that’s a different level entirely,” 
>> he said. “There, the question should be whether to take the client on at 
>> all.” The same is the case for people who are convicted of drug dealing 
>> charges, appear on sanctions lists, or have outstanding Interpol notices.
>> “Although banks don’t like to say no, they are supposed to say no,” Delton 
>> said. “The probability of opening the bank to money laundering [in such 
>> cases] is so high that the account should not be open to begin with.”
>> Other specialists explained why institutions like Credit Suisse might be 
>> inclined to disregard these norms.
>> “Banks may make the calculation that they’ll earn more money from having 
>> that business than it will cost them in reputation,” said Graham Barrow, a 
>> financial crime specialist.
>> Another question pertinent to a bank of Credit Suisse’s size is what degree 
>> of responsibility it should assume when taking on clients through mergers. 
>> For example, in March 2013, the bank took on $13 billion in assets belonging 
>> to high-net-worth customers of Morgan Staneley’s Private Wealth Management 
>> division.
>> Monika Roth, a Swiss lawyer and jurist specializing in financial market 
>> legislation and white collar crime, said that there’s no official deadline 
>> in terms of when the bank must conduct checks on new clients coming from a 
>> merger. But the bank is still responsible for the risk of bringing them on, 
>> she said.
>> “The more exotic the place, the more susceptible to corruption, the more 
>> vulnerable the country of origin or residence of the client, the higher the 
>> assets brought in, the faster you have to have done it,” she said.
>> “Usually before the merger is approved, there should be extensive due 
>> diligence, including on money laundering risks,” said Maira Martini of 
>> Transparency International. “It is not justifiable to say that they were not 
>> aware [of money laundering risks] because the clients came from the other 
>> bank.”
>> 8. What do experts say needs to change?
>> Many financial experts consulted on Credit Suisse and the questionable 
>> clients identified by reporters suggested that the problem went beyond the 
>> bank’s own due diligence failures, pointing to weak regulations throughout 
>> the Swiss banking industry.
>> Hervé Falciani, a French-Italian systems engineer credited with exposing 
>> more than 130,000 suspected tax evaders who were primarily clients at HSBC’s 
>> Swiss banking division, was blunt: “The system is the problem.”
>> The only way to expose its wrongdoing is to find ways to penetrate the veil 
>> of secrecy that protects it, he said.
>> “Do you see one week without a scandal, a tax scandal, or a money laundering 
>> scandal where Switzerland is not mentioned?” asked Sebastian Geux, a Swiss 
>> historian who has studied his country’s banking sector for nearly four 
>> decades.
>> The basic problem, specialists said, is insufficient regulatory enforcement.
>> James Henry, an economist and adviser to the Tax Justice Network, explained 
>> that the “basic penalty of choice” for banks operating in Switzerland is 
>> paying a fine. But “this is just a rounding error” that they pass off to 
>> their customers, or something they treat as “a cost of doing business.”
>> When Credit Suisse was fined 2.6 billion by the U.S. Department of Justice 
>> over what it described as “a conspiracy to aid U.S. tax evaders” in 2014, 
>> the fine itself was tax deductible, Henry pointed out. Nobody went to jail, 
>> and nobody lost any licenses. “Some CEOs have to go to jail,” he said. “They 
>> have to do actual jail time for this to hit home.”
>> Swiss law also makes journalistic reporting on financial crime difficult.
>> Article 47 of the Swiss Banking Law puts journalists in the country at risk 
>> of being prosecuted for merely possessing, much less publishing, private 
>> banking data. For that reason, Tamedia, a Swiss newspaper that was 
>> approached as a partner, chose not to participate in the Suisse Secrets 
>> investigation.
>> “This law is a massive restriction of press freedom in Switzerland,” said 
>> Arthur Rutishause, the newspaper’s chief editor. “It only serves to censor 
>> and intimidate the media. The law can protect criminals and their assets. 
>> Journalists who try to expose them risk criminal proceedings.”
>> 9. What is Credit Suisse’s point of view? How has the bank responded?
>> In response to a detailed list of questions sent by Suisse Secrets 
>> journalists, Credit Suisse provided the following statement:
>>> “Credit Suisse strongly rejects the allegations and inferences about the 
>>> bank’s purported business practices. The matters presented are 
>>> predominantly historical, in some cases dating back as far as the 1970s, 
>>> and the accounts of these matters are based on partial, selective 
>>> information taken out of context, resulting in tendentious interpretations 
>>> of the bank’s business conduct. While Credit Suisse cannot comment on 
>>> potential client relationships, we can confirm that actions have been taken 
>>> in line with applicable policies and regulatory requirements at the 
>>> relevant times, and that related issues have already been addressed.”
>>> “As a leading global financial institution, Credit Suisse is deeply aware 
>>> of its responsibility to clients, and the financial system as a whole to 
>>> ensure that the highest standards of conduct are upheld. These media 
>>> allegations appear to be a concerted effort to discredit the bank and the 
>>> Swiss financial marketplace, which has undergone significant changes over 
>>> the last several years. In line with financial reforms across the sector 
>>> and in Switzerland, Credit Suisse has taken a series of significant 
>>> additional measures over the last decade, including considerable further 
>>> investments in combating financial crime. Across the bank, Credit Suisse 
>>> continues to strengthen its compliance and control framework, and as we 
>>> have made clear, our strategy puts risk management at the very core of our 
>>> business.”
>> Credit Suisse also provided additional responses on several topics. 
>> Following what the bank described as a “preliminary review” of “a large 
>> volume of accounts” about which reporters asked questions, the bank noted 
>> that “more than 90 percent” are now “closed or in the process of closure.”
>> “Of the remaining active accounts,” a Credit Suisse representative wrote, 
>> “we are comfortable that appropriate due diligence, reviews, and other 
>> control related steps were taken, including pending account closures.”
>> The representative wrote that Credit Suisse has a “strict zero tolerance 
>> policy towards tax evasion,” “only wishes to deal with clients who are tax 
>> compliant,” and “has implemented numerous client tax compliance programs 
>> spanning multiple jurisdictions.”
>> Turning to prevention of money laundering, the representative wrote that 
>> Credit Suisse has “stringent control mechanisms in place” and “conducts name 
>> screening in line with industry standards … both at onboarding as well as in 
>> relation to existing accounts.”
>> “Where we identify any relationships which could have been used for [money 
>> laundering] or other illicit activity, we take prompt and decisive action,” 
>> the representative wrote.
>> Credit Suisse also listed a number of risk management initiatives that “have 
>> already been completed or are underway” as part of a “full-scale risk review 
>> across the entire bank” that took place in 2021. These include:
>> - “Fundamental risk review, examining how risks are being assessed, managed 
>> and controlled across the Group.”
>> - “Clear definition of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities across 
>> all divisions, as Credit Suisse continues to implement remediation efforts 
>> that were initiated earlier in the year.”
>> - “Development of tools and processes to improve business accountability and 
>> ownership as the first line of defense for risk and controls.”
>> - “Revision of compensation process and structure, incorporating 
>> risk-sensitive performance and non-financial objectives into the enhanced 
>> performance scorecards.”
>> - “Fostering a culture that reinforces the importance of personal 
>> accountability and responsibility.”
>> Citing Swiss banking secrecy legislation, the bank did not provide any 
>> answers about specific clients identified by reporters as problematic.
>> “We will continue to analyze the matters and take additional steps if 
>> necessary,” the Credit Suisse representative added.
>> 10. What is OCCRP’s response to Credit Suisse’s criticisms?
>> Ultimately, Western banks like Credit Suisse handle most of the world’s 
>> criminal and corrupt money. Therefore, they bear the most responsibility for 
>> identifying and restricting it. Credit Suisse acknowledges that it is 
>> required to follow strict procedures that help the bank understand who its 
>> customers are and verify that their sources of income are legitimate. When 
>> the bank fails to perform this due diligence, crime and corruption becomes 
>> easier, more lucrative, and more successful — and we will report it.
>> We do so because financial secrecy is more than an academic abstraction: 
>> Opaque money means opaque power. When corrupt money can flow unhindered into 
>> the financial system, we get more crime, more extremism, and more 
>> undercutting of democratic norms. Dark money is now viewed by many countries 
>> as a significant national security issue.
>> The Swiss system, which values secrecy over accountability, is especially 
>> prone to misuse. Swiss banks have a long history of taking on bad clients, 
>> from the Nazis to some of the modern world’s worst autocratic dictators. 
>> They have pledged multiple times — and have indeed acted — to eliminate many 
>> bad people from their list of clients. Those actions are commendable. But 
>> they are held accountable only by a regulatory system that is restricted by 
>> secrecy laws and a government that prioritizes secrecy. The data leak on 
>> which the Suisse Secrets project is based represents a rare opportunity for 
>> journalists to independently hold this system accountable.
>> We believe the dozens of examples we have cited raise serious questions 
>> about Credit Suisse’s effectiveness and commitment to meeting its 
>> responsibilities. Without providing any corroborating information, Credit 
>> Suisse has claimed it has resolved “90 percent” of the cases we brought up. 
>> Even if we accept that, there are still a number of seriously corrupt or 
>> criminal characters who have Swiss accounts — and those are just the cases 
>> reporters asked about. There could be many more.
>> Credit Suisse has also said that the cases we are writing about are 
>> “historical.” But that is irrelevant. Our data shows the bank continued to 
>> keep clients for many years who were publicly known to be under indictment, 
>> accused of serious crimes, or have family members in positions of power in 
>> autocratic regimes. In some cases, account holders who appear in the data 
>> have confirmed to us that their accounts are still open.
>> Even many Credit Suisse employees reached by reporters said that there are 
>> special rules within the bank for the wealthiest clients regardless of their 
>> criminality, and that it has failed to do enough to weed out illicit funds.
>> One person believed this strongly enough to take action: The leaker of the 
>> data.

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