‘You can’t sue your way to the moon’: Elon Musk intensifies Bezos space feud

Mr. Weber, submit tody.

What did you think would happen?


On Wed, Feb 23, 2022, 9:35 AM Gunnar Larson <g...@xny.io> wrote:

> Mr. Weber:
> This correspondence seeks your immediate resignation.
> For various reasons, beleived and proven, New Yorkers cannot be assured
> that you are working for their best interests.
> Can you please revert back with your esteemed confirmation by 5:30pm
> today?
> Warm regards,
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> *Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xny.io/> | Bank.org <http://bank.org/>*
> MSc
> <https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain%20unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB>
>  -
> Digital Currency
> <https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/>
>  - Entrepreneurship
> and Innovation (ip)
> g...@xny.io
> +1-646-454-9107
> New York, New York 10001

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