Hazarding a guess I would say Mollusk is set on Brinworld solutions and we all 
just saw that confirmed in his Twitter machinations. He's now making Zuckface 
look respectable!

I don't have to point out the earth-bound dangers of such a foolish policy 
since this list has been analyzing them for decades now.
States like fascist Russia, China and Iran must regard the Mollusk as a Godsend.

What's new and adds an ever growing danger is the threat from potentially 
hostile aliens.

The further out into space we go the more crypto-anarchist infrastructure we'll 

Hypothetically its not difficult to imagine an advanced civilization, or 
federation, condemning us all on the basis of one human individual raping a 
wilderness planet for no good reason.

The longer Mollusk ( and the NASA too btw ) carry on planning to violate the 
Prime Directive the more danger we are all exposed to.

Fuck that for a joke - all wannabe Mars colonists have earned killing. 

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