> try to time my self-damaging god-infused twitching with the self-damaging 
> god-infused twitching of the neighboring cell i blindly twitched into. see if 
> we can get something done together.

When you both twitch at the same time, it is as if there is twice as
much force being exerted. You find when you move together, you can
move twice as fast -- and need to put less initial energy in to get
going. This reduces how much you are breaking yourselves apart from
the motion.

As you work together you get to know your neighbor better, some of
their quirks, and they get to know you. You get on a similar page
about how to do things, and how to relate what you might do, in a new
language of twitching in a direction, just a little bit.

You wonder if this neighbor cell might have been part of an organ, or
a neighboring organ, or maybe a nanite test tube, that you used to
live in. A choice here, a pattern there, seems familiar. Others seem

What do you do?

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