here's another bug bandaid
this one got through the 3rd flush
# block tree structure

# blocks written to are leaves
# depth is log2 leaves

# when a flush is made, all blocks are written, and also enough nodes such that every leaf can be accessed within depth lookups.

# consider we have an existing tree
# with say m flushes, containing n leaves (or m leaves). we'll likely call it n.

# each flush shows which leaves it has

# additionally, with the final flush, each leaf has an existing depth.

# when we reflush, we need to provide a new index for any leaves that become too deep.

# which leaves are too deep?

# we could basically walk them all to find out. this would be a consistent first approach.

class Simple:
    class Chunk:
        def __init__(self, offset, data):
            self.start = offset
   = data
            self.end = self.start + len(
    class Flush:
        # flush has a list of new leaves, and a list of indexes to old leaves with ranges
        def __init__(self, *writes, prev_flush=None):
            self.prev_flush = prev_flush
   = writes

            # find extents
            start = min((write.start for write in
            end = max((write.end for write in
            if prev_flush is None:
                self.start = start
                self.end = end
                self.index = []

            self.start = min(start, prev_flush.start)
            self.end = max(end, prev_flush.end)
            self.index = [Simple.Chunk(prev_flush.start, prev_flush)]

            # find leaf count and leaf depths
            #offset = start
            #while offset < end:

        def __len__(self):
            return self.end - self.start
        #def lookup(self, offset
        def leaves(self, start = None, end = None, depth = 0):
            if start is None:
                start = self.start
            if end is None:
                end = self.end
            print('leaves', depth, self, start, end)
            offset = start
            data_iter = iter(
            index_iter = iter(self.index)
            next_write = next(data_iter, None)
            next_index = next(index_iter, None)
            while offset < end:
                if next_write is not None and offset >= next_write.start:
                    # offset >= next_write
                    # so we look in the write
                    substart = offset - next_write.start
                    subend = min(end, next_write.end) - next_write.start
                    print('yielding', depth, self, offset, subend + next_write.start)
                    yield (depth, offset,[substart:subend])
                    offset += subend - substart
                    assert offset <= end
                    next_write = next(data_iter, None)
                    # offset < next_write
                    # so we look in the index
                    assert next_index is not None
                    subend = min(next_write.start, end) if next_write is not None else end
                    while offset >= next_index.end:
                        next_index = next(index_iter)
                    assert offset >= next_index.start and offset < next_index.end
                    subend = min(subend, next_index.end)
                    assert subend <= end
                    yield from, subend, depth + 1)
                    offset = subend
                    assert offset <= end
            if end == self.end:
                assert next(index_iter, None) is None
    def __init__(self, latest = None):
        self.tip = latest
        self.pending = []
    def write(self, offset, data):
        for idx, pending in [*enumerate(self.pending)]:
            if pending.start <= offset + len(data) and pending.end >= offset:
                # merge pending with data
                # then merge pending with neighbors

                # so, algorithm could simplify to inserting in a sorted manner, and then merging neighbors, except we want to ensure that this data replaces old data

                merged_data =[:offset - pending.start] + data +[offset + len(data) - pending.start:]
                # we could maybe merge 'merged' via recursion
                # basically we'd excise pending, and then write merged
                return self.write(min(offset, pending.start), merged_data)
            elif pending.start > offset + len(data):
                # passed this data without overlap
                return self.pending.insert(idx, self.Chunk(offset, data))
        self.pending.append(self.Chunk(offset, data))
    def flush(self):
        self.tip = self.Flush(*self.pending, prev_flush=self.tip)
        self.pending = []
    def leaves(self, start = None, end = None):
        if self.tip is not None:
            return self.tip.leaves(start, end)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import random
    store = Simple()
    comparison = bytearray(SIZE)
    store.write(0, bytes(SIZE))
    for flushes in range(1024):
        for writes in range(1):
            start = random.randint(0, SIZE)
            end = random.randint(0, SIZE)
            start, end = (start, end) if start <= end else (end, start)
            data = random.randbytes(end - start)
            comparison[start:end] = data
            store.write(start, data)
        last_offset = 0
        max_depth = 0
        for depth, offset, data in store.leaves():
            assert offset >= last_offset
            assert comparison[last_offset:offset] == bytes(offset - last_offset)
            last_offset = offset + len(data)
            assert comparison[offset:last_offset] == data
            max_depth = max(depth, max_depth)
        assert comparison[last_offset:] == bytes(len(comparison) - last_offset)
        print(flushes, max_depth, 'OK')
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