Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...

Obama Scolds His Former Doctor For Questioning Biden's Cognitive Ability

Republican Texas Congressman, and former White House physician, Ronny
Jackson has shared a letter sent to him by his former boss Barack
Obama, who scolds the doctor for daring to call into question the
cognitive ability of Joe Biden.

As we have previously highlighted, Jackson has on multiple occasions
suggested that Joe Biden appears not fit for office and should take a
cognitive test.

    Why didn't Biden have a cognitive exam? His "health summary" was 6
pages of NOTHING. Biden's lost, he's confused, and this White House is
doing everything they can to HIDE his obvious cognitive decline. They
can't keep hiding this forever. The American people aren't buying it!
    — Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) November 24, 2021

Jackson has asserted that the “White House is doing everything they
can to hide Biden’s obvious cognitive decline,” further noting that
his handlers “know that if they gave him a cognitive test, that he
would have failed miserably, and then they would have had to explain
that away somehow.”

Jackson has also made the point that the left repeatedly demanded that
Donald Trump take a cognitive test while president and make the
results public, which he did with Jackson at the helm.

Seemingly though, Barack Obama appears to have a big problem with
Jackson speaking out as a doctor.

Jackson shared with Fox News the letter Obama sent him in which the
former president “just tore me up,” according to the doctor.

    “I have made a point of not commenting on your service in my
successor’s administration and have always spoken highly of you both
in public and in private,” Obama wrote, adding “You always served me
and my family well, and I have considered you not only a fine doctor
and service member but also a friend.”

    “That’s why I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot
you took at Joe Biden via Twitter,” he continued, charging “It was
unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also
disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our

    “You were the personal physician to the President of the United
States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy,” Obama added, asserting
“I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more
of yourself in the future.”

Commenting on the Obama letter and Biden’s mental state, Jackson told
Rep. Jim Banks during a podcast “All I know is that he’s got
age-related cognitive decline, right. He is not mentally fit right

“He’s 78 years old and you can see it. You don’t need to be a
physician to look at him and to look at his behavior and some of the
other stuff, just the way he shuffles away, stares off into space,”
Jackson added.

“I know what that job entails, both physically and mentally, and how
demanding it is. And I can tell you right now, I’m 100% sure that Joe
Biden is incapable of doing that job,” the doctor further urged.

“Let it be known, as the White House physician for the last three
presidents, I was the first to say that we have a serious problem with
this man’s cognitive demise, and he will not make it four years in
office,” Jackson further asserted, adding “I’ve always said there
would come a point where it wouldn’t be just me talking about it, but
his own party, and sadly, that has proven to be the case. Joe Biden’s
cognitive failures are on full display for the whole world to see.”

Jackson’s comments come as Biden was seen landing in Israel and asking
“what am I doing now?” before telling a crowd to “keep alive” the
“honour of the Holocaust.”

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