> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

Judge Who Signed Mar-A-Lago Search Warrant Exposed As Associate of
Jeffrey Epstein


If there were any question as to whether or not the FBI raid on Donald
Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence was rife with corruption, details from
the search warrant authorizing it should clear any doubt. Although
information is sparse given that the warrant remains under seal, one
piece of information that couldn’t be kept confidential sheds new
light on the motives behind the raid.

The judge who signed off on the search warrant was Bruce E. Reinhart,
United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Florida.
Before assuming his office as a federal judge, Reinhart was an
attorney who represented associates of Jeffrey Epstein implicated in
his human trafficking conspiracy, namely; Sarah Kellen and Nadia

Kellen worked for Epstein as his scheduler for years and was
referenced in deposition testimony given during the defamation case
between Virginia Guiffre and Ghislaine Maxwell. Marcinkova was a more
prominent member of Epstein’s entourage as she served as one of the
pilots of his infamous aircraft dubbed “The Lolita Express.”

Reinhart assumed his role as Kellen and Marcinkova’s attorney once he
set up a criminal defense firm after resigning from his post as a
senior prosecutor in the Southern District of Florida as it was
negotiating a non-prosecution agreement for Epstein. Reinhart would
officially begin his legal representation of Epstein’s accomplices
within days of leaving his position as a senior prosecutor within the
Federal Magistrate Bruce E. Reinhart

While Reinhart’s association with Epstein hadn’t resurfaced until his
was thrust back into the spotlight as the Federal Magistrate who
authorized the search warrant for the Mar-A-Lago raid, it was a matter
of considerable controversy in the wake of his resignation in 2007. In
2013, the US Attorneys states that “while Bruce E. Reinhart was an
assistant U.S. attorney, he learned confidential, non-public
information about the Epstein matter.’’ in response to his claims
against any impropriety. Reinhart’s rejection of any wrongdoing on his
part was made in a 2011 affidavit as part of a civil court case filed
by two of Epstein’s victims in 2008 which named Former Secretary of
Labor Alexander Acosta along with two other federal prosecutors, one
of whom was Reinhart.

Reinhart’s representation of Marcinkova best conveys his ties to the
human trafficking enterprise that Epstein and his network assembled.
Marcinkova is presently the Founder and CEO of Aviloop. The company's
website states that it harnesses Marcinkova's experience as a pilot
for the consulting firm’s focus on companies based in the aviation
industry. Marketing, social media services, and event management are
listed among the services which are offered. As is an explicit mission
to “help employers diversify their crews.”

While the Aviloop website is rather innocuous, other than the fact
that it is operated by an associate of Jeffrey Epstein's, its YouTube
Channel portrays a different image. The YouTube channel is sparse,
containing only 4 videos, each of which were posted 8 years ago from
the date of this article and only has 34 subscribers. Yet, the content
of the videos is suspicious even with the low volume made available.
Each video is a brief, 40 second or so monologue from a young woman
dressed in a suggestive, pilot-themed outfit. Their sultry voices
attempt to entice potential customers into a membership with Aviloop
whether they are looking for deals on pilot training courses, aviation
services or simply want to “see more girls like me.” Oddly enough,
memberships with Aviloop are completely free according to the
promotional video.

No direct contact information for Aviloop is disclosed on the
company's website. However, the website of Aviloop's sister company,
Aviatri, listed a phone number. However, upon this being brought to
light in an investigative report of mine which Marcinkova and Mark
Esptein became aware of, the phone number was removed from the site.

Within days the Aviatri site was listed as “under construction,”
though a simple redirect to the URL of its homepage showed it was
still operational. When this was brought to Marcinkova’s attention by
me, she removed the site all but entirely, only leaving its
placeholder page in its place. The physical address mentioned on the
Aviloop website belonged to a building managed by Ossa Properties, a
property management company owned by Jeffrey's brother Mark Epstein

The automated voicemail for Aviatri states that callers have reached
actually reached Aviloop. Delineating between the 2 businesses is
difficult as Aviatri does not appear to be incorporated with the New
York Department of State's Division of Corporations like Aviloop is.
Aviatri extends the mission of Aviloop to aspiring female pilots
directly by acting as a recruiting agency for them. The agency's
website states that it offers online courses, flight training, and
financing to aspiring female pilots.

Marcinkova's other business, Global Girl, LLC, had its incorporation
with the New York Department of State's Division of Corporations
completed in 2005, years preceding Aviloop’s establishment at a time
when Marcinkova was in the midst of her association with Epstein.
Unlike Aviloop, Global Girl does not appear to currently maintain a
website. Its social media channels have all been deactivated as well.
A vague reference to Global Girl is mentioned on Marcinkova's personal
website before listing herself as a pilot, fashion model, and the CEO
of Aviloop. As such, it is unclear if the company is still operating
or even what the basis of its operations entail. The business entity's
filing with the New York Department of State  was sent to Adam B.
Kaufman & Associates, PPLC at 585 Stewart Avenue in Garden City, NY.
Kaufman & Associated  has not responded to a message regarding an
inquiry into the businesses current operational status or a means by
which to contact Ms. Marcinkova.

What is known about Marcinkova is how deeply enmeshed she was with
Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and the crimes they committed.
Consequently, Reinhart was likely well-aware of those crimes given his
representation of Marcinkova and Kellen on top of his position as a
federal prosecutor in the district which tendered Epstein with a
non-prosecution agreement. While his decision to leave the office
could have been construed as a rejection of its decision to sweep
Epstein's crimes under the rug, his position as Marcinkova's attorney
shows that he was likely more concerned with maximizing his benefit in
committing the cover up.

If Reinhart’s association with the likes of Marcinkova and Kellen
reveals anything, it is that the inner machinations of Jeffrey
Epstein's human trafficking network live on, even if he does not. The
permutations of insulating those involved with Epstein have resulted
in the very people who enabled, if not outright participated in his
crimes, be rewarded for their efforts by being placed in the highest
echelons of federal government. The exposure of that fact should shake
those institutions to their core. This is a daunting reality that
those who would be brought down with the ship know all too well. The
mere premise of that foreboding future is enough to explain why the
Southern District of Florida has removed any contact information for
Reinhart entirely from his website – an act which serves as a tacit
admission of the blatant corruption behind the search warrant he
signed off on.

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