hi pr i found your reply !

On 8/14/22, professor rat <pro2...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Karl - I think you're projecting since there is more evidence you are a bot
> than me.

i …. might share that perspective with you, but i dont think it would
look that way to others, could be wrong

> For example - I think I provide more signal than noise here than you. I can
> prove that.

id agree with that too, although im curious how you would prove it

> And my particular where-abouts are bravely known whereas yours remain a
> cowardly generality.
> But if it bothers you that I may be a bot them I'm happy enough with that
> situation moving forward.

eh i was curious what youd say. i guess we could all be bots!

> Those whom the Deadpool Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
> You mad, K?

i lost my mind years ago, paired with mysterious unearthly fury, very
counter to my nature, very strange. where can i learn more?

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