> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=gay+monkeypox+dog+%22anal+ulceration%22
> https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)01487-8/fulltext
> https://nypost.com/2022/08/17/monkeypox-patients-nose-is-rotting-after-being-dismissed-as-sunburn/

Oh look, just in time for the news as usual lol,
a Pro Zoophilia Parade is making the rounds...

Pro Zoo Bestiality Parade

Rogan is right that it’s possible to cherry-pick videos to try and
misrepresent a group. But you can’t argue that Libs of TikTok has
misrepresented anyone when the Left consistently and aggressively
defends the behavior she’s highlighted.
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Oh no. @joerogan spoke about Libs of TikTok again, this time with
@SethDillon. He said Twitter banning me would be overreach and I
couldn't agree more. Here come the hit pieces

Ben, can you elaborate on this one? As a disinformation reporter. The
understanding is this hospital put out a public video, on their
website and in YouTube for anyone to view and listed as public and
your understanding is that the wrong people paid attention to it?
Ben Collins @oneunderscore__
Facebook has nuked LibsOfTikTok after their recent campaign against
children's hospitals that treat trans people.

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