Officials trashing everyone everywhere for Officials own Fuckups...

German Official Trashes Cost Of Living Protesters As "Enemies Of The State"

A top German official has trashed people who may be planning to
protest against energy blackouts as “enemies of the state” and
“extremists” who want to overthrow the government.

The interior minister of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
(NRW), Herbert Reul (CDU), says that anti-mandatory vaxx and
anti-lockdown demonstrators have found a new cause – the energy

In an interview with German news outlet NT, Reul revealed that German
security services were keeping an eye on “extremists” who plan to
infiltrate the protests and stage violence, with the unrest being
planned via the Telegram messenger app, which German authorities have
previously tried to ban.

“You can already tell from those who are out there,” said Reul. “The
protesters no longer talk about coronavirus or vaccination. But they
are now misusing people’s worries and fears in other fields. (…) It’s
almost something like new enemies of the state that are establishing

Despite the very real threat of potential blackouts, power grid
failures and gas shortages, Reul claimed such issues were feeding
“conspiracy theory narratives.”

However, it’s no “conspiracy theory” that Germans across the country
have been panic buying stoves, firewood and electric heaters as the
government tells them thermostats will be limited to 19C in public
buildings and that sports arenas and exhibition halls will be used as
‘warm up spaces’ this winter to help freezing citizens who are unable
to afford skyrocketing energy bills.

As Remix News reports, blaming right-wing conspiracy theorists for a
crisis caused by Germany’s sanctions on Russia and is suicidal
dependence on green energy is pretty rich.

“Reul, like the country’s federal interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is
attempting to tie right-wing ideology and protests against Covid-19
policies to any potential protests in the winter.”

“While some on the right, such as the Alternative for Germany (AfD),
have stressed that the government’s sanctions against Russia are the
primary factor driving the current energy crisis, they have not
advocated an “overthrow” of the government. Instead, they have
stressed the need to restart the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, end energy
sanctions against Russia, and push for a peaceful solution to end the

Indeed, energy shortages and the cost of living crisis are issues that
are of major concern to everyone, no matter where they are on the
political spectrum.

To claim that people worried about heating their homes and putting
food on the table this winter are all “enemies of the state” is an
utter outrage.

As we highlighted last week, the president of the Thuringian Office
for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, said energy
crisis riots would make anti-lockdown unrest look like a “children’s
birthday party.”

“Mass protests and riots are just as conceivable as concrete acts of
violence against things and people, as well as classic terrorism to
overthrow it,” Kramer told ZDF.

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