Never before in US history has a party such as Democrats
engaged in 10+ years of flat out fraudulent politics... Combined
with rest of mess and world, many are betting that something
is going to break in the US, badly, soon.

Watch: Biden Says He "Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat
People With Respect"

During a Labor Day speech in Pittsburgh Monday, Joe Biden commented
that he ran for president to “restore decency” to the country and to
“treat people with respect,” yet he has spent the past week demonising
half of the country as a ‘violent extremist threat to the nation’.

Biden made more of the same comments just hours later in another
speech in Milwaukee, claiming that “extreme MAGA Republicans”
propagate “violence and hatred,” and that those “in Congress have
chosen to go backwards to full of anger, violence, hate and division.”

    Biden: I ran for president to restore "decency" and "honor" and to
treat "people with some respect."

    Biden has spent the past week smearing Trump voters as "backwards"
and "full of anger, violence, hate, and division."
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022

When someone stood up to express dissent, Biden called him “an idiot”
and stated “Extreme MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal
rights and our social security, they embrace political violence.”

Elsewhere during Biden’s appearances, he reminded Americans that he
cannot string sentences together or pronounce words, and he doesn’t
know where he is:

    PROMPTER: “Do you know how much we Reduced the deficit this year?”

    BIDEN:“Do you know how much Rededudenedefet this year?”
    — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 5, 2022

    BIDEN: "Where am I going?"
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022

Biden also told another outright lie about his shady past:

    JOE BIDEN: "I got very engaged in my case in the civil rights
movement. As a kid, I worked a lot in the movement."

    This is a lie that has been repeatedly debunked.
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022

    CNN's Jake Tapper: Joe Biden lied to voters when he claimed he
marched in the civil rights movement.
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022

Literally tens of people were out in force for Biden:

    MASSIVE crowd for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania today! 🤣🤣
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 6, 2022

    Stop #2 of ⁦@POTUS⁩’ Labor Day Travel: West Mifflin, PA. Per the
WH, The President is greeting with ⁦@JohnFetterman⁩ here
    — Molly Nagle (@MollyNagle3) September 5, 2022

    The crowd at Joe Biden’s Labor Day event in Milwaukee, WI was
    — Sean Fracek (@seanfracek) September 5, 2022

Many watched it online though, all 681 of Biden’s supporters to be exact:

    Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania this week.

    Here is what they looked like back to back.

    — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 4, 2022

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