Invaders who refuse to integrate, particularly Islam,
foolish Europe let them invade for over a decade,
now all invading your foolish country, actual smart
charity would not be so foolish as to invite the lies...

Migrant-Fueled New Year Mayhem Turns Berlin Into Warzone

German youth in migrant-heavy neighborhoods once again turned Berlin
and other German cities into war zones on New Year’s Day, but this
year, news reports indicate that attacks were especially brutal and
targeted rescue services, including ambulance workers.

In Berlin, police and firefighters responded to 3,943 incidents, with
15 firefighters and 18 police officers injured. According to Bild
newspaper, there were “particularly bad attacks in the hotspot
neighborhoods of Kreuzberg and Neukölln with a high proportion of

“There were dozens of attacks,” says Interior Senator Iris Spranger,
of the Social Democrats (SPD).

In Kreuzberg, for example, after young men set fire to barricades,
firefighters who arrived to extinguish the fire were attacked by 200
hooded men. In Neukölln, which is one of the most multicultural
neighborhoods in Germany, 50 perpetrators fired rockets at emergency
force services.

In one disturbing scene, a group of men were filmed attacking an
ambulance, hurling objects inside the vehicle’s open rear doors.

    Berlin-Neukölln New Year’s Eve. If you import Kalkutta you don’t
help Kalkutta, you will become Kalkutta. @NancyFaeser you are
    — Hans Gutermann (@HausPirna) January 2, 2023

Other videos show youths hurling rockets at ambulances as they attempt
to drive down Berlin streets.

    (1/4) Wenn man Bilder aus Städten wie Berlin oder auch Frankfurt
sieht, weiß man: Es ist immer eine bestimmte Klientel, die hier zu
Silvester völlig ausrastet. Es geht also nicht pauschal um Böller. Es
geht darum, wer wie damit umgeht.
    — Anabel Schunke (@ainyrockstar) January 1, 2023

    Zu #Silvester und dem #Jahreswechsel geht #Berlin im #Feuerwerk
#Chaos unter.#Fachkräfte aus der #Partyszene und #Chaoten aus der
#Sonnenallee, #Kreuzberg und #Neukoelln überfallen #Polizei und

    Berlin: das institutionialisierte #Staatsversagen, dank #Giffey.
    — Dr. David Lütke (@DrLuetke) January 2, 2023

    Berlin Neukölln war dieses Jahr Silvester richtig schlimm
    — 🌙فاطمة (@fatumaa_ab) January 1, 2023

Many of the incidents were caught on film, with the clips featuring
burning vehicles, fires in tall apartment blocks, and one police
officer being struck by a rocket directly on his helmet, which then
burst into flames. One officer and one firefighter suffered from
severe injuries and remain hospitalized.

“Our vehicles were fired at with birdshot ammunition,” says Thomas
Kirstein of the Berlin Fire Department. Police report that an “illegal
bullet bomb” was thrown at a fully occupied police car. In another
video, a man shoots out a police car window.

    freue mich auf das #boellerverbot in berlin. dann gehören solche
bilder nächstes silvester der vergangenheit an.

    Ihr team freiheit

    — Ulf Poschardt (@ulfposh) January 2, 2023

In the ensuing chaos, 103 people (98 men and five women) were
arrested. The Berlin police wrote on Twitter, “The violence that our
colleagues had to experience on New Year’s Eve is unbearable. It is a
task for society as a whole to clearly counteract this. We thank you
all for your commitment and wish the injured a speedy recovery.”

    Die Gewalt, die unsere Kolleginnen & Kollegen in der
Silvesternacht erleben mussten, ist unerträglich. Es ist eine
gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe dem deutlich entgegen zu wirken. Wir
danken Ihnen allen für Ihren Einsatz & wünschen den Verletzten
schnellste Genesung.
    ^VPr ^PPr'in
    — Polizei Berlin (@polizeiberlin) January 1, 2023

Another video showed migrant youth mocking a firefighter as he
attempted to give an interview to news outlets.

    Berlin halt.
    — Anabel Schunke (@ainyrockstar) January 1, 2023

The next morning, burned-out buses and automobiles could be seen across Berlin.

    Hat #Berlin noch irgendwas von einer normalen deutschen Großstadt?
    Wahldebakel, Antifa Krawalle und jetzt noch so ein Silvester.
Vielleicht wählt ihr euch mal ne vernünftige Regierung ins Amt wie wir
    — Henrijs_DE🔅 (@HenrijsDE) January 1, 2023

Georg Pazdersk, former AfD parliamentary group leader in the Berlin
House of Representatives, wrote: “When are we finally going to admit
that we have a huge problem with young male migrants from archaic
societies who don’t want to integrate. Silencing the problem means
continuing to promote it.”

    Wann gestehen wir uns endlich ein, dass wir ein riesiges Problem
mit jungen männlichen Migranten aus archaischen Gesellschaften haben,
die sich nicht integrieren wollen. Das Problem totzuschweigen heißt es
weiter zu fördern.
    — Georg Pazderski (@Georg_Pazderski) January 1, 2023

Other cities, such as Duisburg, were hit with violence as well,
including attacks on rescue services.

    #duisburg #silvester
    — Anabel Schunke (@ainyrockstar) January 1, 2023

“One can only shake one’s head. The political leadership in Berlin
takes no responsibility for this disaster. It has sympathy for people
who break rules,” Neukölln’s former mayor, Social-Demcrat (SPD) Heinz
Buschkowsky, told Bild.

    In der Silvesternacht regieren in unseren Innenstädten
#DIEGESETZLOSEN. Junge Männer, die machen, was sie wollen, vor
niemandem Respekt haben, sich über Gesetz & Ordnung hinwegsetzen -
unsere Doku morgen 18 Uhr bei #AchtungReichelt - Hier Kanal
    — Julius Böhm (@julius__boehm) January 1, 2023

“The lunatics are becoming are appearing more and more. Every festive
event is a welcome occasion to attack the authorities…That’s the
enemy, and they must be fought.”

“Even experienced emergency personnel are shocked by the extent of the
brutality. This must finally come to an end. The state must no longer
stand by while chaotic people repeatedly attack police officers and
firefighters. These are not trivial offenses, they are crimes,” CDU
Berlin chapter leader Kai Wegner told Bild.

Previous years also featured extreme violence, especially in Neukölln.

In a statement released by the AfD, the party wrote, “Anarchy reigned
in Berlin on New Year’s Eve. It was a first foretaste of future
everyday life in German cities because although the authorities and
the press are adamantly silent when it comes to the specific naming of
the perpetrators, the countless videos of that night speak volumes:
They are young, violent men with a southern appearance who hardly
speak German. And not only can they immigrate unhindered, they also
get paid for a nice life by the traffic-light government with tax

The conclusion that is now being drawn from the riots is as typical as
it is naïve: a ban on firecrackers and cameras on the rescue vehicles
should fix it. As if the corresponding clientele would be impressed by
these measures. There is only one effective remedy against such
scenes: finally protect the borders and deport criminal migrants

    Weitere Eindrücke der #Partyszene, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten
möchte! Da wäre ich doch gern dabei gewesen - in dieser "sicheren und
lebenswerten" #Silvester2022-Nacht!
    Meine Kinder hätten das #Feuerwerk wahrlich
genossen🙃🤡@polizeiberlin: Material für euch! Tut was damit😉
    — XzumTreme (@XzumTreme) January 2, 2023

In 2016, approximately 2,500 German women were raped and sexually
assaulted by North African and Middle Eastern men in Cologne and other
cities in an event that fueled the rise of the Alternative for Germany
party and anti-immigration sentiment in Germany.

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