"Should Not Live In Fear" - Chief Justice Roberts Year-End Message
Focuses On Judges' Security


After a difficult 2022 at the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John
Roberts said in an annual report that the personal security of judges
needs to be a priority.

“The law requires every judge to swear an oath to perform his or her
work without fear or favor, but we must support judges by ensuring
their safety,” Roberts wrote (pdf) in the “2022 Year-End Report on the
Federal Judiciary,” which was made public late Dec. 31.

“A judicial system cannot and should not live in fear,” he added.
Chief Justice John Roberts at the Supreme Court Building in Washington
on Nov. 30, 2018. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)

In the report, Roberts paid tribute to federal Judge Ronald N. Davies,
who in 1957 ruled in favor of black students in Little Rock, Arkansas,
who had been barred from attending a local high school despite the
Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in 1954 striking down school
desegregation on constitutional grounds.

Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus, a Democrat, ordered the state’s National
Guard to block the students but “when it came time to rule in the
school desegregation litigation, Davies did not flinch,” Roberts

Angry crowds resisted the desegregation effort and Republican
President Dwight D. Eisenhower directed the 101st Airborne to make
sure the black students could attend the school.

In his role as Chief Justice of the United States, Roberts, appointed
in 2005 by President George W. Bush, both presides over the Supreme
Court and oversees the federal judiciary.

The report does not reference the unprecedented leak in May 2022 of
Justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson
Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973
precedent that legalized abortion nationwide.

The Supreme Court is said to be investigating the leak, but the
identity of the leaker or leakers is still unknown. Various justices
have said publicly and repeatedly in recent months that the public
would be updated on the progress of the investigation but no updates
have been issued.

The report also does not reference the raucous protests at the homes
of the conservative justices in Maryland and Virginia, nor the attacks
on justices such as Brett Kavanaugh who was the target of a foiled
assassination attempt and of flash-mob harassment in public outings by
left-wing activists.

Roberts defended the right of Americans to disagree with court rulings.

“Judicial opinions speak for themselves, and there is no obligation in
our free country to agree with them. Indeed, we judges frequently
dissent—sometimes  strongly—from our colleagues’ opinions, and we
explain why in public writings about the cases before us.”

Roberts said recent security legislation was a step in the right direction.

Roberts acknowledged that last month Congress passed the Daniel Anderl
Judicial Security and Privacy Act to help protect judges and their
families. The measure was named after the son of federal Judge Esther
Salas of New Jersey, who was killed by an assailant when he answered
the door to his mother’s home.

Roberts did not mention that on June 16, 2022, President Joe Biden
signed the Supreme Court Police Parity Act into law. The measure gives
Supreme Court officials greater authority to protect the court,
members of the justices’ immediate families, and other court

The report also states that caseloads for the federal judiciary,
including the Supreme Court, fell over the past year.

In the 12-month period ending Sept. 30, 2022, the number of cases
docketed by the Supreme Court dropped by 8 percent compared to the
previous 12-month period. Similar declines were seen in federal courts
of appeals, district courts, and bankruptcy courts.

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