I note that that name is somewhat confusing for me. I mostly still
have it because of inhibitions I experience around intentionally
selecting a handle other than my legal name.

When you observe me yammering about this, think of me as somebody who
is able to talk about it just a little at all, amidst thousands of
other people who are victims, and are not talking about it.

it was mostly in portland, maine.

but the total list of states was roughly:
- texas
- illinois or somewhere like that
- west virginia
- maine
- vermont
- massachusetts
- nevada
- california
- oregon

this was partly online, and partly digital. digital things make it
much easier to cross state lines. digitally, it was mostly related to
facebook, but also involved:
- google search + google voice
- device compromise running disparate OS's (chromeos, linux, android ...)
- phone calls with dell support (i was told purportedly by dell on the
phone i had a "special" bios that was "supposed" to boot over the
network rather than my hard drive)
- mail + databases (my truck was in repair for over a year because the
manufacturer kept sending the wrong replacement transmission; i found
a notice left in my mailbox by accident to collect my mail for review;
my cancer surgery lasted ten hours because the lab computers kept
saying more remained; gene sequencing then showed it had been
diagnosed as the wrong kind of tumor; the lab analysis was missing
pages at the end)

I'm getting better at remembering these things, but it's still mostly
a void of fear containing sparse paranoid factoids than a reasonable
report, I'm afraid.
  • Karl - can y... professor rat
    • Re: Kar... Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
      • Re:... Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
    • Karl - ... professor rat

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