If it's not one side it's the other.
When will the world's people wake the fuck up, adopt crypto,
voluntaryism, and Freedom, and starve all these fucking GovPol
and their tyrannies out of business forever.

DHS Producing Videos Teaching Citizens How To Identify "Radicalized"


America First Legal (AFL) has obtained documents through FOIA request
from the Department of Homeland Security which outline a “Choose Your
Own Adventure” style video series that DHS intended to release to the
public.  The videos were meant to depict different scenarios in which
citizens might encounter potentially “radicalized” individuals.
Citizens are then asked to choose what they think should be done about
the encounter.

Most of the scripted scenarios showcase people with conservative
beliefs and values as the radicalized threat.  For example, the DHS
targeted “suburban Moms” with pro-life beliefs:

The series also targeted “old high school friends” who believe in
“conspiracies” as examples of radicalized citizens in need of
bystander intervention.

The video scripts, written under the DHS’s Office of Terrorism and
Violence Prevention, was part of an internalized memo circulated on
January 29th, 2021, only eight days after Joe Biden entered the White
House.  The program seems to have been developed in tandem with the
“Disinformation Governance Board” which was eventually scrapped due to
public opposition.  It reveals an ongoing and disturbing trend within
the Federal Government to implement authoritarian measures across the
country, first using covid as an excuse, then using the January 6th
protests as a rationale.

Let us not forget about Biden's disinfo-czar Nina Jankowicz, also
known as “Scary Poppins.”

The focus of these DHS efforts was overwhelmingly on conservatives,
with a not-so-subtle implication that conservatives and
constitutionalists (or anyone that questions official government
narratives) are domestic terrorists.  This was done while the DHS and
Democrats mostly ignored the violent actions of BLM, Antifa, trans
rights protesters, etc.

The covid era brought the US and many other western nations to the
very edge of an Orwellian society in which partnerships between
corporate institutions and government bureaucracy are exploited to
suppress all political and scientific discourse.  They created
artificial fear and hype over a virus with a 0.23% Infection Fatality
Rate, and they painted an unarmed protest at the capitol building (in
which not a single person died because of the protesters) as an

Now, we find that federal agencies are preparing propaganda to teach
the public to act as informants, much like the communist Stasi in East
Germany, to weed out and persecute liberty minded Americans. Or, to
act as hall monitors for the state, correcting the behavior and speech
of their friends, family and neighbors and creating an atmosphere of
self censorship within the populace.

The most important question to ask is this:  What are they afraid of?

Is the DHS afraid of legitimate domestic terrorist threats and they
are perhaps misguided in promoting a pre-crime model for prevention?
Or, is the government about to do something they know will anger the
public; something that might inspire Americans to become militant,
such as a broad crackdown on people's freedoms?  And if the latter is
the case, wouldn't the best method of prevention be for governments
and bureaucrats to avoid enraging the public in the first place and to
leave our freedoms alone?

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