Anarchy and Bitcoin

How Any Rand, Hayek, Heinlein and Vinge helped David Friedman and Tim May 
create Btc

1998, Cypherpunk and computer engineer Wei Dai authored an essay explaining how 
a cryptographic money, which he called ‘b-money’, could work. In the very first 
sentence of the essay he wrote that he was “fascinated by Tim May’s 
crypto-anarchy” and that in this cryptographic cyber-utopia, government was 
“permanently forbidden and permanently unnecessary” because “its participants 
cannot be linked to their true names or physical locations.”

Great timing - Btc just handcuffed itself to a fascist police state near Chile 
and started sucking up to absolutist monarchists in Serbia. WAY to GO 
Austro-Libertarian MORONS!

Cypherpunk revolutionists carry on preferring antistate anarchism to cheap 
plastic toy imitations and meritocracy to hereditary imbecility 
indistinguishable from North Korea's.

Your mileage may vary.

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