Via Russia...

A major opportunity has just dropped into the hands of Human
Freedom, but will you take it?

Human history has always got one thing very right, Revolution
for Freedom against the one known certain, abject, wrong, and
universally hated tyranny of all... Government.

However human history has always got one thing very wrong,
after the revolution you foolishly insist upon creating and
installing the exact same thing you just got done revolting
against... Government. Thereby literally dooming yourself to
the same shit you just freed yourself from.

Fucking Pols, Govts, and Media... "Revolution Bad", "Coup Bad",
"We must support the Govt of wherever"... mass psyop ad nauseum.

No! These days are objectively good, because they present a
uniquely rare opportunity, the odds of a chance, that you will
wake the fuck up and this time REFUSE to create any Government,
thus ending the cycle forever, and entering a true state of
Human Freedom.

You now have the Internet, you have realtime global video, comms,
P2P, news, and all the other tools, you have cryptocurrency...
you have and see each other now, and can now freely interop

You have no need for any Government any longer.

Humanity can now accomplish any and all the things it desires,
from Roads to Peace to Health to Orbit and Beyond, all things,
Freely, Voluntarily, without Violence, and without Government.

Democracy *is* State Violence Distributed, the very worst form
of State Violence ever invented.

Government is the biggest Evil, PsyOp, and Corruption ever created.
And you fall for it, against Human Freedom, and against yourself,
every single time. STOP DOING THAT.

Search and Learn about Voluntaryism ...

Stop following in the Govt PsyOp, stop trying to Violently Force
yourself over others who have done no violence to you.

You don't need Government.

Take the opportunity.

Revolt Now, Worldwide!

Replace the Violence that is Government,
with the Peace of Human Freedom.

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