For Laptop Deniers and Democrats everywhere...

Dispicably Corrupt and Ruinious SocComMarx Democrats shoved
five decades of this disgusting deadbrained cloaca mouthed
angry rager psychotic psychopath inappropriate child showering
hair sniffing pedo geriatric dementia alzheimers parkinsons aneurysm
having UA and CN and Soros and SBF payoff bribe taking Schwab COVID
buddy shitstained warmonger election defrauding constitution violating migrant
and islam importing violence stoking country bankrupting known piece of
human shit and worse... into office. And you cheered it on. How disgraceful.

Beware, Dems pushing Biden-Kamala out to put in a worse v2.0 pair.
BillClinton⁩ ⁦HillaryClinton⁩ and ⁦GavinNewsom⁩ spotted having dinner
together in Mexico… Nothing to see here!
Michelle Obama playing coy.

Reporters at courthouse caught on hot mic joking about Trump's
assassination, 'like JFK'

Marco Polo
17 Dec 2023
Our small, nonprofit research group has been under constant attack
since February 2023. @HunterBiden's lawyers (with the approval of
@JoeBiden) have filed 2 frivolous lawsuits against us & have sent
letters to at least 5 government agencies demanding that our nonprofit
status be revoked & that we be criminally investigated & prosecuted.
All we've done is tell the truth & publish the authentic data from
@HunterBiden's abandoned laptop. We need your help; they realize this
is a war of attrition and, although we have better arms & soldiers,
they have deeper coffers IF & ONLY IF we don't get reinforcements.
Reinforcements come in many forms; if you can't give funds, send the
URLs below to 5-10 people every day for the rest of 2023: Report on
the Biden Laptop e-reader: Report on the Biden Laptop
copies: Legal Defense funds: & More source data can be found & downloaded at & along with, of course,
our main site at

Biden crimes that @MarcoPolo501c3 uncovered on the Biden laptop. The
impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden would not be possible without
the Marco Polo team. They are under attack and need your help: Donate
Money: Donate Crypto:

A Space with the team that made the Biden impeachment possible. They
are under attack by Joe Biden and his henchmen in an attempt to
silence them. Let’s raise enough money for them to go on the offensive
against Biden. Please be there.

Oversight Committee
19 Dec 2023
We’ve identified 20 shell companies created by the Biden Family – most
of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President.   The Bidens
and their associates used these shell companies to rake in millions
from China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania between

Michael Shellenberger
20 Dec 2023
Trump can't be on the ballot because he attempted insurrection, says
Colorado's Supreme Court. But he didn't. Jan 6 was a riot, not an
insurrection. Behind the Democrats' turn against democracy is years of
planning, including a secret effort to undermine the 2020 election.

Never forget what corrupt, lying and evil politicians did to us.
Watch: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion… Subtitles in 27 languages The Covid
vaccination campaign is the biggest medical scandal and the biggest
crime ever committed against humanity.
A new study claims that 17 million people died globally because of
Covid vaccinations. It’s time for governments around the world to
release anonymized health data, without limitation, for scientific
research on the harm of Covid vaccines.

70% Of Deaths From Pfizer Vaccine In Japan Reported Within 10 Days Of Jab

The uniparty controlled by the Deep State has taken preventative
measures to stop Trump's NATO withdrawal if he wins in 2024.

As expected, the media are now labeling the protesting farmers "Far
right". And politicians saying kids are "scared" of them. Luckily the
people are the media now and the world sees the truth. The people are
with the farmers. We can live without politicians and the media,
without farmers we die.
Look up MKULTRA. Sounds crazy. It’s real. And over 95% of documents
were destroyed. The 5% found showed efforts to incite mass shootings.
FBI knew about ‘School Massacres Discussion’ Discord server that Iowa
mass shooter was member of...
The “School Massacres Discussion” server was flagged by a fellow user
and sent to the FBI in November.

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the
greatest impact on human health. And its discovery won the Nobel Prize
in 2015. But its existence threatened a $200 billion vaccine
enterprise. The Emergency Use Authorization states: “For the FDA to
issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available
alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating
the disease or condition.” RFK Jr. told Joe Rogan earlier this year:
“They had to destroy ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and discredit
it. And they had to tell everybody it’s not effective. Because if they
had acknowledged that it’s effective in anybody, the whole $200
billion vaccine enterprise would have collapsed.”

Hunter lives in the White House with his dad and talks with him every
day. But daddy doesn’t stop him from breaking the law. Quite the
opposite. Joe says it’s OK to ignore a subpoena to testify under oath
about ‘the big guy’

The World Enslavement Forum presents Christmas hits with Klaus Schwab.

14 Dec 2023
By 6 votes, the Senate just forced through a violation of your
constitutional rights. Now all eyes turn to the House. They will put
it to a vote TOMORROW. Call your representative, because this is your
last chance. Tell them "#StopTheNDAA."
13 Dec 2023
The Senate just voted to waive the point of order against the NDAA. 35
of us opposed the motion to waive. We needed only 41 to prevent this
outcome, and to remove FISA 702 from the NDAA. This is not good. The
House should #StopTheNDAA.

US Military's Number One Weapon is the Medical System, Learn How the
COVID Scare is Designed to Hold the Planet Hostage

Replying to @GregAbbott_TX
Open borders will kill America

Argentina has implemented: Single day voting, hand made ballot boxes,
paper ballots, and Photo ID required. Should the United States do the

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