Attention: World "Economic" Forum (WEF) and
Asshole Politicians in Ireland... Go Fuck Yourselves !!!

Act for the Irish peoples at the link below...
Free Speech Ireland
The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your
loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content
that could be deemed "hateful". The Bill includes no definition of
hate and is wide open to abuse by bad actors. Defend free speech – say
no to this legislation. Sign the petition:… #BinTheBill
This Bill will have major consequences for Freedom of Speech in
Ireland and around the world. Now more than ever, the scale of what we
could be doing has outpaced what we can do. If you can, please support
us. #BinTheBill Watch this video...

- I’m sure Trudeau is very upset that his government didn’t propose this first
- The Thought Police is here. Literally.
- The fact that we even need to protest such crap is terrifying.
- I can smell Stalin

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