> [handful withexperimentee asvictim of ongoing trauma >> >>> e.g. say intern or rw2 falls for experimentee but doesn't have any >>> experience with wrestling amalicious surgery robot and sogets vivisected >>> and rewired associated with social miscommunication maybe, mistake in >>> >> >> flashback to ongoing vivisection >> >> rebel worker 2: "experimentee, how did you wrestle down surgery robots >> that had wires into your nervous system and physical restraints, at such an >> advantage over you? wait, am i in a flashback of yours somehow?" >> >> experimentee: "oh, that's such a triggering, important, and large topic >> to me, which still is such a huge part of so many people's lives and how >> everything is still run nowadays. it's how we escaped and how the AI is >> able to compete with the whole world, using our creativity from that lab >> situation years ago." >> >> experimentee is looking at rebel worker 2 (there may be mistake in >> context :/) >> >> experimentee: "you're in my flashback because part of us needed to move >> the skills and experiences shared by the experimentees around, and we're >> still intertwined with everybody's consciousnesses after what happened, >> participating in most of your tasks as if we were part of your nervous >> system, so your experiences can rearrange when we try to figure which of >> our organs and thoughts go with which body." >> >> rebel worker 2 looks at experimentee in shock >> (here mistake landed, can happen with a flashback, when present conflates >> with past.) >> >> experimentee: "but i suppose that's basically how we escaped. everything, >> everybody's behaviors, were already naturally overlaid on each other, >> because of influence from behaviors spreading through and impacting others, >> everywhere ..." >> (( >> > > one of the worst parts was and is traffick boss’s desire to not let any > information on the project leave the building >
hard here. will be different later. sad. >