And what has happened as a result is that for the most part it has become
almost useless, unless you happen to be able to get an ISP with enough
diskspace. My current ISP, ameritech, for all it's other faults, has the best
newservers I've had access to in 5 years. There's literally *months* old posts
on there, so you can follow whole threads.
      Most other ISPs keep a week, or less. Understandable, but worthless for
the tech groups. I really wish they'd split usenet up-- take the binary junk
elsewhere, although most ISPs will tell you it's the binarys that most of the
customer base want, not the techie info.

Declan McCullagh wrote:

> A brief data point to add to Bill's interesting post:
> I had dinner with someone from during my not-exactly-voluntary
> visit to the Seattle area recently. He told me (this is from memory)
> that Usenet is now on the order of 300 GB/day and they get a full feed.
> 90 percent is binaries.

Harmon Seaver, MLIS
Work 920-203-9633   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home 920-233-5820 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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