On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 08:49:43PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> Well, better than nothing. (Like I said in another article tonight, 
> "the best is often the enemy of the good.") We knew even in 1992 that 
> "remailers" were a pale imitation of the DC Nets discussed a few 
> years earlier by Chaum and analyzed by others as well. But there were 
> no DC Nets in 1992, and so remailers were nonetheless a step above 
> what existed then (basically, the Kremvax/Kleinpaste/Julf approach).

Better than nothing is understating the case a bit, I think. The
info hiding workshop was a very interesting one that was almost
entirely cypherpunk-relevant. It seems like researchers are choosing
to present less-polished work here rather than waiting in line at
eurocrypt, for instance, which makes it more timely, probably.

The program's at:

There's always a tension between the corporate-watermarking folks and
the anon-privacy folks at these types of events, and this year was no
exception. But it hasn't split into two yet, and seems set to stay
intact for at least one more round in 18 months.


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