On Sunday, April 29, 2001, at 07:41 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> I think Matt is a bit too quick to conclude a court will charge the 
> operator with contempt and that the contempt charge will stick on 
> appeal. Obviously judges have a lot of discretion, but it doesn't seem 
> to me like the question is such a clear one if a system is set up in 
> the proper cypherpunkish manner.

As there are no "ex post facto" laws, setting up an offshore/non-duress 
log haven in 2001 cannot result in a charge in 2003 that this was 
illegal or contempt of court.

Not even today's fool judges will claim that is "contempt."

(It is only "contempt" if a judge orders an action which a witness is 
_able_ to comply with but which he does not...and of course not always 

Judges cannot require time machines be used to undo past actions.

--Tim May

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