Mike wrote:

> The level of idealism is amazing.

Do you mean in those who continue to believe in coercive solutions (i.e.,
government)?  Especially in the face of the fact that government has been
responsible for 120+ million deaths in the 20th century alone?  :-D

> The corrective forces of free markets
> and anarchy usually discussed here
> are certainly in operation in varying
> degrees throughout our economic
> "system."

Yes, we live in a mixed economy.  The countries with the most government,
though have the least responsive economies and vice versa.

> I think the confidence level is naive
> and the damage that can result from
> unfettered profit seeking is
> underestimated.

You have fallen for the Inchoate fallacy.  Profit seeking is not the sine
qua non of literal anarchistic systems--non-coercion is.

> I also doubt that anyone here has the
> bandwidth to handle the information
> required to do it all yourself. Hence
> the evolution of collective systems to
> perform the tasks...

You're generalization is correct, but your underlying assumption is flawed.
Yes, groups of people collectively address problems that they cannot solve
on their own.  However, this does NOT imply or require coercive collective
solutions.  Voluntary cooperation is totally consistent with literal
anarchic systems.

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