Tim May wrote:

>"Information Warfare" is again being trotted out in the context of 
>currently-deteriorating relations between the U.S.G. and the P.R.C. 
>(China). Wanna bet we start seeing recycled reports about plans to 
>knock out the stock exchanges, with "Chinese info-terrorists" 
>replacing the "IRA terrorists" who were said to be planning EMP/HERF 
>attacks on London several years ago?

DoJ's rep at the recent 2600 appeal hearing, Daniel Alter, said that 
DeCSS is comparable to a terrorist weapon that can knock out air 
control or other vital infrastructure. Some laughed at that, but Jim 
Bell got hung for using legal databases because of alleged intent 
to harm which meant he was not a protected journalist. As 2600
was distinguished from the New York Times though both linked
to DeCSS.

That intent to harm tips benign use of information into criminality.
It is probable that such tipping will soon be applied retroactively
to information liberators.

Thanks heavens nobody here is likely to be found guilty of that. No
matter that actual attacks on information instructure is most likely
to be made by its alleged protectors needing clearcut reasons
to raid and bust and send up the river those who dare to broadcast
information about government perfidy.

What will be less entertaining is when a recalcitrant log administrator
is shot for resisting a lawful command or a site operator assassinated
for refusing to pull an embarassing document. As seems is sure to
happen with the alleged perps who have legally posted police officers' 
personal data up in Seattle. 

What is it with Seattle, anyhow, all the crybercrime fighters there having 
a field day. Ah, yes they are they are the lynch folks who describe
cybercrime as terrorism, in accord with OMB, DoD and DoJ instructions
commaned by Congressional edict.

Robb London accused Jim Bell in WWA of what Daniel Alter accused
Emmanuel Goldstein in SDNY -- distributing information is mass 
destruction. Intending to harm they chant.

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