On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Dave Howe wrote:

> However, if strafeing an occupied house with helecopter gunships, rocket
> launchers and heavy machine guns after a cursory "surrender or die" is
> ignored, based on military intel (which as the WMD fiasco shows is
> worthless if the PR spin department are demanding raw access to unfiltered
> intel and filtering, not on reliability but on closeness of match to the
> desired outcome) is to be the new standard, I suspect a suicide bombing of
> the white house (killing all the staff and the shrub) would now be "ok"
> provided they shouted 'surrender or die' first, yes?

Hell, this has been the norm for a very long time.  The rest of the world
knows this as an American No-Knock Drug Warrant.

J.A. Terranson

        "Every living thing dies alone."
        Donnie Darko

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