At 07:50 AM 4/5/00 -0400, Jim Choate wrote:
>Microsoft for years has done everything they can do eliminate or delay

So who doesn't?  Eat or be eaten.  Responsibility is to

>The sole intent is to reduce the actual number of options
>available to the consumer. 

The sole intent is to survive.  Which means planning and

The sole intent of Ford Motor Co is to make all cars.  This
also reduces the number of options. Big deal.

This will in fact drive the MS product line
>onto your desktop because of two facts. The first will be the simple
>elimination of the alternative product line. 

How can you eliminate something that others like, without
using force?  Administer testing in elementary schools and 
re-educate the Torvolds and Stallmen?

Cf guns or pharmaceuticals, where its illegal by fiat to 
manufacture things.  Although the DMCA edges towards
making coding illegal.

You have a Mac, How popular
>is Mac?

Maybe he has a Jaguar or a Yugo.  How popular are those?  
Who cares?

> Do they have a significant share of the market? 


>the individual (as if a lone guy in a garage could build an OS in a timely
>manner - ROTFL at that one) 

Or sell his OS for $95..

this is completely and utterly an unscalable

Whining gets you nowhere.. except with government,
which indicates its worth...

> Yes, Linus wrote a small kernel but literaly
>thousands of people (many more than even Microsoft has put on their
>development I'd guess) working on it FOR FREE. 

Smells like teen spirit.

Be so kind, seeing as
>you're a font of unbridled economic insite, how does a single person in
>their garage make a living when they're forced to give their product away
>for free? If your answer is anything but "They can't" then you may not
>have the insite you believe.

Jim, invent your own fax-transmission protocol, and then
get the Justice dept to persecute those bastards who already have
fax machines out there.

Anti-trust laws are unconstitutional seizures of property
by the state.  Intervention where there is noone wronged --just
a bunch of whiny CEO losers.  And a socialist national mentality that loves
to drag down the successful.


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