At 07:51 PM 6/11/00 -0400, Lizard wrote:
>Which leads me to this question -- so why doesn't Bill just close up 
>shop? He's got fifty+ billion dollars -- he couldn't spend it all in 
>his lifetime if he tried. So why doesn't he just pull a John Galt and 
>say, "Fine. I hereby close down Microsoft. We're out of business. No 
>more monopoly. Have fun. I'm going to Disneyworld."


1. the personality type who can stop is not the personality type
that gets there in the first place

2. someone would replace him, try to replicate the MS structure.
It would be easy, the folks less affluent than BG will still want
to work.

>I'm assuming it's not that simple, that you can't just shut the doors 
>and throw away the key. Can anyone confirm this?

He could also booby trap the company, staffing it with bozos
and pursuing useless projects.  (Obvious jokes omitted) 
But its hard to trash something you've created.

What he *should* do is use UCITA to reach out and touch the DoJ when
unlicensed programs find themselves running in that domain...

Howard Rourke laughed,


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