"!Dr. Joe Baptista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't get it - it seems like every week someone asks how to build a bomb
> here.  I'm sure theirs information out there.  I can tell you how to build
> a small nuclear device in a pipe - but you'll kill yourself doing it -
> unless you have the proper radiation gear.  Let me know ;-)
> Joe Baptista

These messages can be from several sources:

- Someone dislikes the list and thinks this is funny.
- Some immature brats are playing some game.
- Some donut-munching, worthless bureaucrat is trolling for suckers. 

The first is possible, but I would surmise that anybody doing such a
thing would put forth a bit more creativity. To date, the only
creativity expressed by these fools is in the lame private flames they
send back in response to being publically lambasted. If they were
going for a thrill ride, it's likely that they would copy it to the

The second isn't very likely. Most brats would have given up by now.

The third is most likely. These spams all have similar syntax and
follow the same format. The occasional exception, such as the "nigger"
spam which arrived a couple days ago, are thrown out as
distractors. When *those* are replied to in the same fashion
(i.e. flamed), the donut-muncher on the other end spends fifteen
seconds and sends back some incompetent response in an attempt to
convince the people doing the flaming that all these idiots are
"real." They send these privately hoping that they will *not* be sent
back to the list, so that people can't compare notes on those as

These will continue until the donut-muncher (DM) finds some
sucker who is dumb enough to make a serious reply. At that point, the
LEO will probably try to further entrap the individual, or will try to
get a court order for a wiretap, or something of that nature. The
first time he finds *anything* to charge the guy with, he does so, and
hopes that he has a full court press present as he claims to have
"thwarted a domestic terrorist ring's plans."

Well, there is a fourth option: Al Gore is handing out computers to
products of the public education system, complete with an automated
program to produce tax-payer funded fake accounts, and this trash is
some kind of English assignment.

Also note that from what I've seen so far, the accounts this drek is
posted from typically last about two days.

> On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Marion O'Kelley wrote:
> > please send me plan's on how to build a pipe bomb only if you know! thanks
> > 

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