>Black Blockers are willing to operate in ways diametrically opposed to the
>core anachist ideology, the whole thing seems both clueless and

Bullshit. The anarchist "ideology" (which is a stupid assertion in itself)
does not comprise of standing on the road alone to be run over by the
truck. Anarchists were organised quite well at times. And chastising
anarchists for not following "their ideology" makes you the Idiot of the

Re: Black Bloc on Broadway

>Yes the smells-like-teen-spirit-'anarchists' are good for little more than a laugh,
>though they're setting themselves up as the next domestic boogeymen after the militia

Any display of force against the establishment is a very serious business.
Societal order is always based on force/guns and any real challenge comes
through force. On some grand scale of things, teenage black blocing will
influence society more than any intellectual discourse on any forum. That
is why the pigs are there and not in Tim May's* place or Chomsky's lecture
- the language and semantics of both of them do not represent a threat to
the establishment, they are harmless and benign.

So it is quite masturbatory (in the bad meaning of the word) to denigrate
kid's actions on the streets. There is no record in the recent history (few
thousand years) that any real change was effected without force. Everything
else is pacifying farce.

* This is purely stereotypical and has nothing to do with the actual TM.

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